OAR 461-110-0630
Need Group


The “need group” consists of the individuals whose basic and special needs are used in determining eligibility (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) and benefit level.


In the EA program, the need group consists of the members of the financial group (see OAR 461-110-0530 (Financial Group)) who meet all nonfinancial eligibility requirements, except that members disqualified for an intentional program violation (see OAR 461-195-0601 (Intentional Program Violations; Defined)) are not in the need group.


In the ERDC, OSIPM-EPD, and QMB programs, the need group consists of each member of the financial group.


In the OSIPM (except OSIPM-EPD) program:


If a child (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) is applying, the need group consists of the child.


In all other situations, the need group consists of each member of the financial group.


In the Pre-TANF and TANF programs, the need group consists of all the members of the financial group except:


A parent (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) who is in foster care and for whom foster care payments are being made.


An unborn child.


In the SNAP program, the need group consists of the members of the financial group who meet all nonfinancial eligibility requirements, except the following individuals are not in the need group:


A member disqualified for an intentional program violation.


A fleeing felon under OAR 461-135-0560 (Fleeing Felon and Violators of Parole, Probation, and Post-Prison Supervision; REF, REFM, SNAP, and TANF).


An individual violating a condition of state or federal parole, probation, or post-prison supervision under OAR 461-135-0560 (Fleeing Felon and Violators of Parole, Probation, and Post-Prison Supervision; REF, REFM, SNAP, and TANF).


An individual who becomes ineligible due to the time limit in OAR 461-135-0520 (Time Limit and Special Requirements for ABAWD; SNAP).


In the REF and REM programs, the need group consists of all the members of the financial group except an unborn child.

Source: Rule 461-110-0630 — Need Group, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 461-110-0630’s source at