OAR 461-110-0750
Benefit Group


A “benefit group” consists of the individuals who receive benefits.


Except as provided in sections (4) and (5) of this rule, for an individual not assumed eligible for medical programs (see OAR 461-135-0010 (Assumed Eligibility for Medical Programs)), the benefit group consists of each individual from the need group (see OAR 461-110-0630 (Need Group)) requesting benefits who meets all financial and nonfinancial eligibility (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) requirements.


For an individual assumed eligible for medical programs (see OAR 461-135-0010 (Assumed Eligibility for Medical Programs)), the benefit group consists of the individuals who are in the benefit group of the program used to assume eligibility.


In the TANF program, the following individuals are not in the benefit group:


An individual who may not be in the benefit group because of a disqualification penalty (see OAR 461-130-0330 (Disqualifications; Pre-TANF, REF, SNAP, TANF) and 461-135-0085 (Requirement to Attend an Assessment or Evaluation, or Seek Medically Appropriate Treatment for Substance Abuse and Mental Health; Disqualification and Penalties; Pre-TANF, REF, TANF)).


An individual disqualified for an intentional program violation (see OAR 461-195-0601 (Intentional Program Violations; Defined)).


An individual who may not be in the benefit group because the individual has reached the time limit in OAR 461-135-0071 (TANF Time Limit; General Provisions) and does not meet any of the extension criteria in OAR 461-135-0073 (TANF Time Limit; Extension Criteria) or exemption criteria in OAR 461-135-0075 (TANF Time Limit; Exemptions).


A fleeing felon (see OAR 461-135-0560 (Fleeing Felon and Violators of Parole, Probation, and Post-Prison Supervision; REF, REFM, SNAP, and TANF)).


An individual violating a condition of state or federal parole, probation, or post-prison supervision (see OAR 461-135-0560 (Fleeing Felon and Violators of Parole, Probation, and Post-Prison Supervision; REF, REFM, SNAP, and TANF)).


An individual who does not meet the citizenship and alien status requirements in OAR 461-120-0110 (Citizenship and Alien Status Requirements) and 461-120-0125 (Alien Status).


An individual who chooses not to receive benefits.


In the REF and REFM programs, the following individuals are not in the benefit group:


An individual who may not be in the benefit group because of a disqualification penalty (see OAR 461-130-0330 (Disqualifications; Pre-TANF, REF, SNAP, TANF) and 461-135-0085 (Requirement to Attend an Assessment or Evaluation, or Seek Medically Appropriate Treatment for Substance Abuse and Mental Health; Disqualification and Penalties; Pre-TANF, REF, TANF)).


An individual disqualified for an intentional program violation (see OAR 461-195-0601 (Intentional Program Violations; Defined)).


A fleeing felon (see OAR 461-135-0560 (Fleeing Felon and Violators of Parole, Probation, and Post-Prison Supervision; REF, REFM, SNAP, and TANF)).


An individual violating a condition of state or federal parole, probation, or post-prison supervision (see OAR 461-135-0560 (Fleeing Felon and Violators of Parole, Probation, and Post-Prison Supervision; REF, REFM, SNAP, and TANF)).


An individual who chooses not to receive benefits.


An individual who does not meet the alien status requirements of OAR 461-120-0125 (Alien Status)(5), with the exception of a newborn child, so long as all parents who are in the filing group meet the alien status requirements of OAR 461-120-0125 (Alien Status)(5).
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 461-110-0750’s source at