Assets 461‑140‑0020
Availability of Resources 461‑140‑0040
Determining Availability of Income 461‑140‑0070
Treatment of Excluded Assets 461‑140‑0110
Treatment of Periodic Income 461‑140‑0120
Availability and Treatment of Lump-Sum Income 461‑140‑0210
Asset Transfer 461‑140‑0220
Determining if a Transfer of an Asset is Disqualifying 461‑140‑0242
Disqualifying Transfer of Assets Including Home 461‑140‑0250
Determining The Uncompensated Value of a Transferred Asset 461‑140‑0260
Disqualification Due to a Resource Transfer 461‑140‑0270
Disqualification Due to An Asset Transfer 461‑140‑0296
Length of Disqualification Due to an Asset Transfer 461‑140‑0300
Adjustments to the Disqualification for Asset Transfer
Assets 461‑140‑0020
Availability of Resources 461‑140‑0040
Determining Availability of Income 461‑140‑0070
Treatment of Excluded Assets 461‑140‑0110
Treatment of Periodic Income 461‑140‑0120
Availability and Treatment of Lump-Sum Income 461‑140‑0210
Asset Transfer 461‑140‑0220
Determining if a Transfer of an Asset is Disqualifying 461‑140‑0242
Disqualifying Transfer of Assets Including Home 461‑140‑0250
Determining The Uncompensated Value of a Transferred Asset 461‑140‑0260
Disqualification Due to a Resource Transfer 461‑140‑0270
Disqualification Due to An Asset Transfer 461‑140‑0296
Length of Disqualification Due to an Asset Transfer 461‑140‑0300
Adjustments to the Disqualification for Asset Transfer