OAR 461-140-0010
Assets; Income and Resources


An available asset, either income or a resource, is categorized as either excluded or countable (defined in OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)).


The availability of resources is covered in OAR 461-140-0020 (Availability of Resources).


The availability of income is covered in OAR 461-140-0040 (Determining Availability of Income).


Excluded assets are identified in the rules in this chapter (see divisions 140 and 145 in particular) and are not considered when a client’s eligibility and benefit level are determined.


In the OSIP, OSIPM, and QMB programs, an asset excluded pursuant to a rule in OAR Chapter 461 remains excluded as long as the asset is used in a manner consistent with the rule that provided the exclusion.


An available asset not specifically excluded is countable, and its value is used in determining the eligibility and benefit level of a client.


An asset may not be counted as a resource and as income in the same month.

Source: Rule 461-140-0010 — Assets; Income and Resources, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 461-140-0010’s source at