OAR 461-140-0300
Adjustments to the Disqualification for Asset Transfer


The disqualification imposed under OAR 461-140-0260 (Disqualification Due to a Resource Transfer; SNAP) is not adjusted once applied in the SNAP program.


In all other programs, the disqualification ends if the transfer that caused the disqualification is rescinded. The duration of the disqualification is recalculated if the terms of the transfer are modified.


In the OSIP, OSIPM, and REFM programs, the Department may waive the disqualification if the disqualification would create an undue hardship on the client. For purposes of this section, the disqualification would create an undue hardship if the requirements of subsections (a) and (b) of this section are met:


The client has no other means for meeting his or her needs. The client has the burden of proving that no other means exist by:


Exploring and pursuing all reasonable means to recover the assets to the satisfaction of the Department, including legal remedies and consultation with an attorney; and


Cooperating with the Department to take action to recover the assets.


The disqualification would deprive the client of:


Medical care such that the client’s health or life would be endangered; or


Food, clothing, shelter, or other necessities of life without which the health or life of the client would be endangered.


As authorized by ORS 411.620 (Recovery of public assistance or medical assistance obtained or disposed of unlawfully), the Department retains the authority to bring a civil suit or action to set aside a transfer of assets for less than fair market value and may seek recovery of all costs associated with such an action.


Notwithstanding the granting of an undue hardship waiver under section (3) of this rule, the Department is not precluded from recovering public assistance or medical assistance from any assets in which the client held an interest, or in which the client previously held an interest, at the time the undue hardship waiver was granted.

Source: Rule 461-140-0300 — Adjustments to the Disqualification for Asset Transfer, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=461-140-0300.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 461-140-0300’s source at