OAR 461-190-0360
Special Payments; SNAP Employment and Training Programs

In the SNAP program:
(1) For purposes of this rule, a “contractor” means any third-party entity that holds a contract with the Department to provide Employment and Training (E&T) services.
(2) The Department or contractor (see section (1) of this rule) may authorize special payments to participants participating in one of the three SNAP Employment and Training programs described in OAR 461-001-0020 (Definitions; SNAP Employment and Training Components and Activities) for transportation and other costs identified in the participant’s case plan (see OAR 461-001-0020 (Definitions; SNAP Employment and Training Components and Activities)) subject to the provisions of this rule.
(b) The Department or contractor must consider lower cost alternatives.
(c) The Department or contractor may deny, reduce, or close special payments when costs exceed the local district’s or contractor’s budget for employment and training.
(d) Special payments are not intended to replace other funding available in the community. The Department or contractor and the participant must seek resources reasonably available to the participant in order to comply with the requirements in the case plan.
(e) Funds may be used to pay for tuition and mandatory school fees charged to the general public. Funds may not be used to pay for state or local education entitlements.
(f) Special payments for job retention (see OAR 461-001-0020 (Definitions; SNAP Employment and Training Components and Activities)) is only available if the individual was participating in a component other than job retention prior to securing employment.

Source: Rule 461-190-0360 — Special Payments; SNAP Employment and Training Programs, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=461-190-0360.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 461-190-0360’s source at or​.us