OAR 581-025-0020
Procedure for Appeal to the State Board of Education of a District Boundary Board Decision


A notice of appeal to the State Board of Education under ORS 330.090 (Mergers)(5) shall be filed within 30 days of the date of the resolution of final decision of the boundary board:


The notice of appeal submitted by the petitioners shall be signed by all petitioners or their designated agent;


A notice of appeal submitted by the school districts shall be signed by the district superintendent, the chairman of the district board of directors or by the attorney for each school district.


The notice of appeal shall be filed with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and a copy of the notice of appeal shall be sent to the boundary board.


After consideration of the complete record submitted by the boundary board, the State Board of Education shall order the proposed boundary change or merger if the requirements of ORS 330.080 (Composition, purpose and organization of district boundary board) to 330.101 (Notice) have been satisfied and shall direct the boundary board to perform the duties described in ORS 330.101 (Notice) and 308.255

Source: Rule 581-025-0020 — Procedure for Appeal to the State Board of Education of a District Boundary Board Decision, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=581-025-0020.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 581-025-0020’s source at or​.us