OAR 581-026-0305
Virtual Public Charter School Student Enrollment


As used in this rule:


“Notice” means a written notice that is mailed, faxed, e-mailed or personally delivered by the party required to provide the notice.


“Parent” means parent, legal guardian or person in parental relationship as defined in ORS 339.133 (Determination of residency of student for school purposes).


“Reside in a school district” means the school district in which the student’s parent resides.


“School district” means a school district in which more than three percent of the students who reside in the school district are enrolled in one or more virtual public charter schools.


“Student” means a student who seeks to enroll in a virtual public charter school on or after August 2, 2011.


“Virtual public charter school” is as that term is defined in OAR 581-026-0300 (Virtual Public Charter Schools).


A parent must provide notice to the school district in which the parent resides that the parent intends to enroll a student in a virtual public charter school. Upon receiving the notice, a school district may choose to do nothing further until receiving notice the student is enrolled in the school or if more than three percent of the students who reside in the school district are enrolled in virtual public charter schools not sponsored by the district, the district must provide notice to the parent that the district:


Approves the student for enrollment in the virtual public charter school; or


Does not approve the student for enrollment in the virtual public charter school and provide a copy of this rule and OAR 581-026-0310 (Virtual Public Charter School Student Enrollment Appeal Procedure) to the student and a list of two or more other online options available to the student.


If a parent does not receive a notice of approval or disapproval from a school district under subsection (2) of this rule within 14 days of sending the notice of intent to enroll to the district, the student shall be deemed approved for enrollment by the district.


A parent may appeal a decision of a school district to not approve a student for enrollment to the State Board of Education pursuant to OAR 581-026-0310 (Virtual Public Charter School Student Enrollment Appeal Procedure).


A virtual public charter school may only enroll a student if the school receives evidence the student’s parent has notified the resident school district of the student’s intent to enroll in the school. A school shall consider any of the following as evidence the resident school district received adequate notice:


A copy of the notice of intent to enroll sent to the district by the parent;


A notice of approval for enrollment from the district; or


A copy of a final order issued by the Superintendent pursuant to OAR 581-026-0310 (Virtual Public Charter School Student Enrollment Appeal Procedure) that finds that the student is approved for enrollment in the school.


A virtual public charter school shall send a list of students to each school district in which a student who is enrolled in the school resides. The list shall be sent monthly when the virtual school is in session.


If a school district chooses to not approve a student for enrollment in a virtual public charter school under this section, the district must have a policy that at a minimum includes the following:


The annual, semiannual or other date that the school district used to calculate whether or not three percent or more of the students who reside within the district are enrolled in a virtual public charter school.


The description of the data used by the school district to calculate the number of students who reside in the district and the number of students who are enrolled in virtual public charter schools. A school district is only required to use data that is reasonably available to the district including but not limited to:


The number of students enrolled in the schools of the school district;


The number of students enrolled in public charter schools located in the school district;


The number of students enrolled in virtual public charter schools;


The number homeschooled students who reside within the district and who have registered with an education service district; and


The number of students enrolled in private schools located within the school district.

Source: Rule 581-026-0305 — Virtual Public Charter School Student Enrollment, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=581-026-0305.

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Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 581-026-0305’s source at or​.us