OAR 581-045-0586
Fingerprinting of Subject Individuals Employed by Private Schools in Positions Not Requiring Licensure as Teachers, Administrators, Personnel Specialists, School Nurses

(1) A private school may request that the Oregon Department of Education conduct a criminal records check of a subject individual by submitting fingerprint information for that individual to the Department.
(2) Criminal records check requests shall be submitted electronically through the statewide vendor identified by DAS. Exemptions from this requirement may be granted by the Oregon Department of Education on an individual basis. Reasons for exemption include, but are not limited to, geographic location and ability of vendor to meet needs. Private schools exempted from the electronic process shall submit fingerprints on forms provided by the Oregon Department of Education.
(3) The Department shall request criminal records information from the Oregon State Police in the manner prescribed by law. A fee of $59 per criminal records check request will be invoiced to the private school.
(4)(a) Upon receipt of criminal records information, the Oregon Department of Education shall review the criminal records of a subject individual. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall:
(A) Issue a statement of criminal history status; and
(B) Notify the private school if the subject individual has knowingly made a false statement as to conviction of a crime.
(b) A private school may choose to employ or contract with a person who has knowingly made a false statement as to conviction of a crime.
(5) The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall notify the private school if the subject individual has a conviction for any of the crimes listed in ORS 342.143 (Issuance of licenses and registrations), or the substantial equivalent of any of those crimes if the conviction occurred in another jurisdiction or in Oregon under a different statutory name or number. A private school may choose to employ or contract with a person who has a conviction for a crime listed in ORS 342.143 (Issuance of licenses and registrations) or the substantial equivalent.
(6) The Oregon Department of Education shall not provide copies of criminal records to anyone except as provided by law. The subject individual may inspect his or her personal criminal records under the supervision of properly certified LEDS personnel at the Department.
(7) The Oregon Department of Education shall maintain a record of all properly submitted fingerprint information. The record shall include at least the following:
(a) Card Fingerprint sequence number;
(b) Name of private school submitting the fingerprints;
(c) Date the Department form is received;
(d) Date fingerprint information is sent to Oregon State Police;
(e) Date private school was notified of criminal history results.

Source: Rule 581-045-0586 — Fingerprinting of Subject Individuals Employed by Private Schools in Positions Not Requiring Licensure as Teachers, Administrators, Personnel Specialists, School Nurses, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 581-045-0586’s source at