OAR 581-055-0004
Sexual Conduct Investigations by the Department of Education


When the Department of Education receives a report of suspected sexual conduct, the department shall determine whether:


The report alleges sexual conduct as defined in OAR 581-055-0001 (Sexual Conduct Investigations and Abuse Notifications: Definitions); and


A school employee, contractor, agent, or volunteer who is not licensed by the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission is alleged to have committed the sexual conduct.


If the department determines that the report of suspected sexual conduct meets the requirements of (1) of this rule, the department shall immediately initiate an investigation and send notice of the investigation to:


The education provider for which the school employee, contractor, agent, or volunteer who is alleged to have committed the sexual conduct was working, acting, or performing services when the alleged sexual conduct occurred; and


Any other education provider that the Department of Education determines must receive notice to ensure the safety of students.


An investigation conducted under this rule shall include a detailed inquiry into the factual allegations of the report of suspected sexual conduct including, but not limited to:


The gathering of any evidence relevant to the allegations in the report; and


Interviews with:


The person who initiated the report;


The student who may have been subjected to sexual conduct;


The subject of the report who is alleged to have committed the sexual conduct; and


Any witnesses to the events that were reported.


A person appointed to conduct an investigation under this rule may:


Issue subpoenas to require the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents or other evidence;


Subpoena witnesses; and
(c) Swear witnesses and compel obedience in the same manner as provided by law for state agencies in contested cases.

Source: Rule 581-055-0004 — Sexual Conduct Investigations by the Department of Education, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=581-055-0004.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 581-055-0004’s source at