OAR 581-055-0014
Confidentiality of Documents, Materials, and Reports


Except as provided in subsection (2) of this rule, documents and materials used in an investigation conducted pursuant to OAR 581-055-0004 (Sexual Conduct Investigations by the Department of Education), and reports related to the investigation, are confidential and not subject to public inspection.


To the extent allowed by state and federal law, upon request, the department shall make documents, materials, and reports described in subsection (1) of this rule available to:


A law enforcement agency or the Department of Human Services, if necessary to conduct an investigation of alleged abuse;


The Teacher Standards and Practices Commission, if necessary to conduct an investigation of suspected sexual conduct by a school employee, contractor, agent, or volunteer who is licensed by the commission; and


An education provider, if necessary for the education provider to take disciplinary action against, make changes to the employment of, or make changes to the duties of a school employee, contractor, agent, or volunteer.

Source: Rule 581-055-0014 — Confidentiality of Documents, Materials, and Reports, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 581-055-0014’s source at