OAR 584-023-0030
Registry of Charter School Administrators


No persons shall serve as an administrator (as defined in ORS 342.120 (Definitions for chapter) and OAR 584-080-0008 (Scope of Administrator Licenses and Registrations) Scope of Administrator Licenses) in a public charter school unless such person either holds a valid Oregon license issued by TSPC pursuant to 338.135 (Employees) or is registered with TSPC as a charter school administrator in accordance with 342.125 (Types of licenses)(5).


TSPC shall create a Public Charter School Registry for all persons who do not hold an administrator license and are employed as administrators in any charter school.


To obtain a charter school registration, an applicant and the employing charter school will submit a joint application, which will include the following documentation:


Description of the specific administrative position the applicant will fill with the employing charter school;


Fingerprints on forms prescribed by the Oregon State Police in the manner required by TSPC, unless the applicant has been previously cleared and has remained continuously licensed since the last clearance.


Completed application and fee;


A description of the applicant’s post-secondary education and other experience relevant to the administrator position the applicant is seeking;


A list of any professional licenses held; and


A passing score on a commission-approved test of knowledge of U.S. and Oregon civil rights laws and professional ethics unless these requirements have already been met through prior TSPC licensure.


Successful completion of the background checks disclosing no disqualifying materials or information will entitle the registrant to serve as a teacher or administrator as defined in ORS 342.120 (Definitions for chapter) in the employing charter school for a period of up to three (3) years or until employment with the employing charter school ceases, whichever occurs first.


The registration is not transferrable to another charter school without an application for a registration change with TSPC.


A charter school administrator registration may be renewed for an additional three-year term upon joint application of the registrant and employing charter school on forms established by the Commission and upon the payment of the applicable fee.

Source: Rule 584-023-0030 — Registry of Charter School Administrators, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-023-0030’s source at