OAR 589-001-0300
Definitions for OAR Chapter 589, Divisions 1 through 20

For the purposes of OAR chapter 589, divisions 001 through 020, the following definitions apply:


“Executive Director” means the Executive Director appointed under ORS 351.735 by the Commission.


“Director” means the Director of the Office of Community Colleges and Workforce Development appointed under ORS 351.762;


“Board” means the board of education of a community college district;


“Commission” means the Higher Education Coordinating Commission;


“Office” means the Office of Community Colleges and Workforce Development;


(a) Community College" means a public institution operated by a community college district for the purposes of providing courses of study generally limited to not more than two years’ full-time attendance and designed to meet the needs of a geographical area by providing educational services, including but not limited to professional technical education programs or lower division collegiate programs.


The two-year limitation described in paragraph (a) of this subsection does not apply to:


Technical programs in which the curriculum may require more than two years of attendance but less than four years; or


Applied baccalaureate degree programs.


“Community College District” or “District” means a district formed under ORS Chapter 341 (Community Colleges) to operate one or more community colleges or to secure educational services available at a community college.


“Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Student”, for the purpose of receiving state reimbursement, represents one student who carries 510 clock hours over three terms of instruction.


“Reimbursable Full-Time Equivalent (RFTE) Student” means a student defined by section (8) of this rule whose earned hours qualify the district for cost reimbursement by the State of Oregon in accordance with OAR 589-002-0100 (Community College Support Fund Distribution), et seq.


“Term Hour” means a 50-minute period of course work a week per student for approximately one-third of a school year.

Source: Rule 589-001-0300 — Definitions for OAR Chapter 589, Divisions 1 through 20, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 589-001-0300’s source at