OAR 589-002-0100
Community College Support Fund Distribution

Purpose Statement:


It is in the state’s interest to support a strong local community college system that meets local, regional and state economic and workforce development needs. Short and long-term interests include the consideration of such things as comparable District funding capability, maintaining small districts as a means of educational access and stable, predictable funding. Oregon’s community college distribution formula is designed to provide a financial foundation to support undergraduate and lower-division education, career technical education, remedial education, local response to workforce training, and other educational services necessary at the local and state level.


The Commission through the authority vested in it by ORS 351.735, uses this rule to state clearly and concisely what the statewide interests are for Oregon community colleges and students through the adoption of a policy-driven distribution formula. The overarching policy, chosen by the Commission, has been structured to support access, stability and quality, and to do so with equity for Oregon students. Principles which support these policies include:


Access is supported by having the funding follow the student to the college which they are attending.


Quality is supported when adequate funding per student is available.


Growth management is a tool to prevent erosion of the level of funding per student.


Equity is supported by the equalization of public resources distributed per student.


Stability is supported by buffering fluctuations in student enrollment through growth management and by using a three-year weighted average of students by college to distribute state funds.
[ED. NOTE: Tables referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 589-002-0100 — Community College Support Fund Distribution, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 589-002-0100’s source at