OAR 589-004-0400
Student Release of Social Security Numbers


Community colleges are required to request that students release their social security numbers for the purposes of record-keeping and research. The request made to the student shall notify the student that:


Release of the social security number is voluntary;


Request for release is made under the authority of ORS 341.290 (General powers)(17); and


Specific uses will be made of the social security number. Those specific uses must be described in the notification.


The request to a student to release his or her social security number shall conform to forms and/or procedures developed and published by the Commission. Any alteration by a college in the wording or procedure must be approved by the Director or designee under the authority of the Commission. The Commission may revise the wording only with a minimum of 90 days’ notice to the colleges and only with the input of the colleges.


If a college determines that it needs to use the social security number for a purpose other than those described on the disclosure form, the college may add that use its disclosure form. The additional wording must be approved by the Director or designee before it is added to the disclosure statement.


Under no circumstances may a college require a student to release his or her social security number unless the release is specifically mandated by federal law (as in federal financial aid law and payroll requirements).


A college may not deny any student any right, benefit or privilege provided by law because of the student’s refusal to disclose his or her social security account number. However, this provision does not apply with respect to any disclosure that is mandated by federal law.


If a student refuses to release his or her social security number, the college may assign an alternative student identification number. Such a number is personally identifiable information as defined in OAR 589-004-0100 (Definitions)(6) and is governed by disclosure requirements set forth in OAR 589-004-0450 (Prior Consent to Disclose Information).


A college that extends credit in the form of student loans or deferred tuition payments may request that the student voluntarily provide his or her social security number through a disclosure form separate from the form described in section (2) of this rule. Any such form shall be approved by the Director or designee prior to implementation.

Source: Rule 589-004-0400 — Student Release of Social Security Numbers, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 589-004-0400’s source at