OAR 603-001-0145
Fees for Public Record Disclosures

(1) If a request for records can be fulfilled using less than 30 minutes of staff time, there will be no charge for the service. If reimbursable staff time is estimated to be greater than 30 minutes, fees may be applied. As provided by ORS 192.440(2), the following fees are established for public record disclosures:
(a) Records search by clerical staff @ $20.00 per hour
(b) Records search by managerial staff @ $32.00 per hour
(c) Records search by professional staff @ $60.00 per hour
(d) Records search by legal staff @ $75.00 per hour
(e) Copies @ current state printing & distribution price list
(f) Media @ statewide price agreement
(g) Postage @ current postal rates
(2) If the request appears to require departmental services for which no fee has been established (computer time, travel, shipping cost, communication costs, etc.) the actual cost shall be determined or estimated by the department and, if $25 or more, the requester shall be notified of such prior to the department complying with the request.
(3) A requester shall pay the applicable fees to the department prior to or at the time the department complies with the request. No refund of fees shall be made. If the department notifies a requester of determined or estimated fees in excess of $25, as provided in section (2) of this rule, the requester shall, pay a deposit of such determined or estimated fee prior to the department complying with the request.
(4) All or a portion of fees may be waived as provided in OAR 603-001-0160 (Fee Waivers and Reductions) and 0165.

Source: Rule 603-001-0145 — Fees for Public Record Disclosures, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=603-001-0145.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 603-001-0145’s source at or​.us