OAR 603-017-0100
Refrigerated Locker Plant License Fees and Categories

As provided in ORS 628.220 (License required for locker plant business), no person shall engage within this state in business of owning or operating any refrigerated locker plant or offering the services of such plant without having obtained from the department a license for each such place of business. The annual license fees for refrigerated locker plants, as provided for in ORS 628.240 (License fees), are as follows.


Refrigerated locker plant – yearly fee: $110.00


Refrigerated locker plant – half yearly fee: $56.00

Source: Rule 603-017-0100 — Refrigerated Locker Plant License Fees and Categories, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=603-017-0100.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 603-017-0100’s source at or​.us