OAR 603-017-0910

As used in OAR 603-017-0920 (Schedule of Civil Penalties) through 603-017-0930 (Penalty Factors; Procedure), unless otherwise required by the context, the following terms will be construed to mean:


“Department” means the Oregon Department of Agriculture.


“Interference” means hindering or impeding an activity or process, which includes, but is not limited to any harassment, unreasonable delay, threat, concealment, deceit, or obstruction.


“Major,” with respect to violations, means an incident, or series of incidents that cause a reasonable probability that serious adverse health consequences or death will occur.


“Minor,” with respect to violations, means an incident, or series of incidents that are not likely to cause adverse health consequences.


“Moderate,” with respect to violations, means an incident, or series of incidents that may cause temporary or medically reversible adverse health consequences, or where the probability of serious adverse health consequences is remote.


“Repeat violation” means the recurrence of the same violation for each 24-hour period after a notice of noncompliance or assessment of civil penalty was issued within the preceding three years. It does not include a violation if the previous notice is the subject of a pending appeal or if the notice has been withdrawn or successfully appealed.


“Same,” with respect to violations, means an identical recurrence, exact repetition, or a continuation of a previous violation.


“Violation” means the failure to comply with any requirement of ORS 628.210 (Definitions for ORS 628.210 to 628.370) to 628.370 (Jurisdiction and prosecution of violations of ORS 628.210 to 628.370) or any rule adopted thereunder.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 603-017-0910’s source at or​.us