OAR 629-043-0040
Burning Permits


Pursuant to ORS 477.515 (Permits required for fires on forestlands), holders of permits for burning must:


Before burning, clear the area immediately around and above the burn site of material that may carry fire;


When burning in a barrel or similar container, completely cover the container openings with a screen constructed of not less than 14-gauge wire and that has openings which are no larger than one-fourth inch in diameter;


Not allow the uncontrolled spread of fire away from the permitted burn site;


Not burn on a day when burning has been prohibited by the forester because of increased fire danger or because of air quality conditions;


Not burn without complying with all conditions, hours and dates set forth on the permit; and


Not burn without complying with the open burning prohibitions set forth in OAR 340-264-0050 (General Requirements Statewide) to 340-264-0170 (Coos, Douglas, Jackson and Josephine Counties).


The requirements of this rule do not apply to prescribed burning conducted in compliance with ORS 477.013 (Smoke management plan) and 477.552 (Policy) to 477.562 (Registration fee), OAR 629-043-0026 (Operation Area Fire Prevention)(4) and 629-048-0001 (Title, Scope and Effective Dates) to 629-048-0500 (Enforcement).


The forester may, in a written order, reduce or waive any requirement of this rule if:


In the judgment of the forester, conditions so warrant; and


The burning complies with the requirements of ORS 477.515 (Permits required for fires on forestlands), and any applicable portions of Chapter 468, Chapter 468A and OAR chapter 340 division 264.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 629-043-0040’s source at