OAR 635-009-0435
Cooperative Salmon Hatchery Program — Memorandum of Understanding


Prior to commencing any cooperative salmon hatchery project a memorandum of understanding shall be signed by all cooperators to the project. The memorandum of understanding shall include:


A Plan of Operation governing fish propagation activities including:


Project goals and duration;


Species and brood stock approved for the project;


Number of fish to be released;


Location of rearing and release of project fish;


Acclimation requirements if rearing and release location are not the same;


Release date(s) and size at release;


Disease inspection and monitoring requirements;


Type of mark and number of fish to be marked;


Fish transportation needs;


Needs for recapture and egg-take from returning adults;


Schedule of routine fish culture practices including: feeding schedule, pond cleaning schedule, schedule for removal and recording of mortalities, length and weight sampling schedule, pre-release sampling schedule.


Monitoring and evaluation requirements including:


Fish propagation monitoring including records of: disease sampling; mortality; feeding; monthly length and weight samples; release location, date, size and number (marked and unmarked); collection and disposition of returning fish; number of eggs taken;


Post release monitoring including: estimates of survival, contributions to the target fishery for supplementation projects or to natural production for rehabilitation projects, comparison of project benefits versus costs;


Specific and measurable conditions for monitoring compliance with fish management goals and objectives as set forth in OAR 635-007-0501 (Definitions) through 635-007-0830, and species and/or area management plans adopted by the commission.


Use of returning fish and eggs collected from returning fish;


Approved methods for disposal of returning fish and fish products;


Use of any proceeds generated by the disposal of returning fish and fish products;


Duties, responsibilities, and financial obligations of each cooperator. Statement that the inability of any cooperator to maintain their obligation to the project will not require any other cooperator to expand their obligations;


Specific conditions and schedules for suspension, reduction in number of fish released, increase in number of fish released, or termination of the project. Plans for orderly termination of the project including funds, personnel, and facilities for capture of returning adults for the full life cycle of all fish released;


Any conditions or limitations on the project deemed necessary by the department.


Representatives of all cooperators shall be involved in development of the memorandum of understanding. The memorandum of understanding shall address allocation of duties, responsibilities, and financial obligations of each cooperator (subject to project specific modification) for the following:


Operations at the project site;


Operations at department hatcheries;


Collection and disposition of returning adults;


Maintenance, security, and utilities at the project site;


Transportation of fish and/or eggs from department hatchery to project;


Fish propagation monitoring;


Post release and compliance monitoring;


Disease examinations;


Eggs and/or fish for the project;


Non-department permits and licenses are the responsibility of the project sponsor(s);


Department permits and licenses are the responsibility of the department.

Source: Rule 635-009-0435 — Cooperative Salmon Hatchery Program — Memorandum of Understanding, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=635-009-0435.

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Cooperative Salmon Hatchery Program Project Approval
Cooperative Salmon Hatchery Program — Memorandum of Understanding
Cooperative Salmon Hatchery Program — Disposal of Fish and Fish Products
Increases in Releases for Approved Cooperative Salmon Hatchery Program Projects
Cooperative Salmon Hatchery Program Project Suspension, Reduction, or Termination
Cooperative Salmon Hatchery Program Ongoing Projects
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 635-009-0435’s source at or​.us