OAR 635-056-0060
Noncontrolled Species
Black-capped warbling finch -- Emberizidae -- Poospiza melanoleuca;(N)
Saffron finch -- Emberizidae -- Sicalis flaveola;(O)
Double-collared seedeater -- Emberizidae -- Sporophila caerulescens;(P)
Rusty-collared seedeater -- Emberizidae -- Sporophila collaris;(Q)
Parrot-billed seedeater -- Emberizidae -- Sporophila peruviana;(R)
Slate-colored seedeater -- Emberizidae -- Sporophila schistacea;(S)
Swallow tanager -- Emberizidae -- Tersina viridis;(T)
Cuban grassquit -- Emberizidae -- Tiaris canorus;(U)
Blue-back grassquit -- Emberizidae -- Volatinia jacarina;(V)
Waxbills, mannikins, munias -- Estrilididae -- All species;(W)
Broadbills -- Eurylaimidae -- All species;(X)
Black siskin -- Fringillidae -- Carduelis atrata;(Y)
Linnet -- Fringillidae -- Carduelis cannabina;(Z)
European goldfinch -- Fringillidae -- Carduelis carduelis;(AA)
Red siskin -- Fringillidae -- Carduelis cucullata;(BB)
Hooded siskin -- Fringillidae -- Carduelis magellanica;(CC)
Yellow--breasted greenfinch -- Fringillidae -- Carduelis spinoides;(DD)
European siskin -- Fringillidae -- Carduelis spinus;(EE)
Yellow-rumped siskin -- Fringillidae -- Carduelis uropygialis;(FF)
Yellow-bellied siskin -- Fringillidae -- Carduelis xanthogastra;(GG)
Yellow-billed grosbeak -- Fringillidae – Eophona migratoria;(HH)
Japanese grosbeak -- Fringillidae -- Eophona personata;(II)
Oriole finch -- Fringillidae -- Linurgus olivaceus;(JJ)
Brown bullfinch -- Fringillidae -- Pyrrhula nipalensis;(KK)
Eurasian bullfinch -- Fringillidae -- Pyrrhula pyrrhula;(LL)
Black-throated island canary -- Fringillidae -- Serinus atrogularis;(MM)
Island canary -- Fringillidae -- Serinus canaria;(NN)
Yellow crowned canary -- Fringillidae -- Serinus flaviventris;(OO)
White-rumped seedeater -- Fringillidae -- Serinus leucopygius;(PP)
Yellow-fronted canary -- Fringillidae -- Serinus mozambicus;(QQ)
European serin -- Fringillidae -- Serinus serinus;(RR)
Long-tailed rosefinch -- Fringillidae -- Uragus sibiricus;(SS)
Troupials and Allies -- Icteridae -- All nonnative species;(TT)
Leafbirds and fairy bluebirds -- Irenidae -- All species;(UU)
Honeyeaters -- Meliphagidae -- All species;(VV)
Old World Flycatchers -- Muscicapidae -- Copyschus All species; (WW) Sunbirds -- Nectariniidae -- All species;(XX)
Sudan sparrow -- Passeridae -- Passer luteus;(YY)
Red-headed weaver -- Ploceidae -- Anaplectes rubriceps;(ZZ)
Yellow-crowned bishop -- Ploceidae -- Euplectes afer;(AAA)
Red-collared widowbird -- Ploceidae -- Euplectes ardens;(BBB)
Black-winged bishop -- Ploceidae -- Euplectes hordeaceus;(CCC)
Jackson’s widowbird -- Ploceidae -- Euplectes jacksoni;(DDD)
Yellow-shouldered widowbird -- Ploceidae -- Euplectes macrourus;(EEE)
Red bishop -- Ploceidae -- Euplectes orix;(FFF)
Long-tailed widowbird -- Ploceidae -- Euplectes progne;(GGG)
Red fody -- Ploceidae -- Foudia madagascariensis;(HHH)
Orange weaver -- Ploceidae -- Ploceus aurantius;(III)
Village weaver -- Ploceidae -- Ploceus cucullatus;(JJJ)
Lesser masked weaver -- Ploceidae -- Ploceus intermedius;(KKK)
Little weaver -- Ploceidae -- Ploceus luteolus;(LLL)
Baya weaver -- Ploceidae -- Ploceus philippinus;(MMM)
Vitelline-masked weaver -- Ploceidae -- Ploceus vitellinus;(NNN)
Speckle-fronted weaver -- Ploceidae -- Sporopipes frontalis;(OOO)
Scaly weaver -- Ploceidae -- Sporopipes squamifrons;(PPP)
Sugarbirds -- Promeropidae -- All species;(QQQ)
Golden-crested myna -- Sturnidae -- Ampeliceps coronatus;(RRR)
Violet-backed starling -- Sturnidae -- Cinnyricinclus leucogaster;(SSS)
Emerald starling -- Sturnidae – Lamprotornis iris;(TTT)
Golden-breasted starling -- Sturnidae -- Lamprotornis regius;(UUU)
Common hill myna -- Sturnidae -- Gracula religiosa;(VVV)
Long-tailed glossy-starling -- Sturnidae -- Lamprotornis caudatus;(WWW)
Bronze-tailed glossy-starling -- Sturnidae -- Lamprotornis chalcurus;(XXX)
Greater blue-eared glossy-starling -- Sturnidae -- Lamprotornis chalybaeus;(YYY)
Lesser blue-eared glossy-starling -- Sturnidae -- Lamprotornis chloropterus;(ZZZ)
Hildebrandt’s starling -- Sturnidae -- Lamprotornis hildebrandti;(AAAA)
Chestnut-bellied starling -- Sturnidae -- Lamprotornis pulcher;(BBBB)
Purple-headed glossy-starling -- Sturnidae -- Lamprotornis purpureiceps;(CCCC)
Purple glossy-starling -- Sturnidae -- Lamprotornis purpureus;(DDDD)
Rueppell’s glossy-starling -- Sturnidae – Lamprotornis purpuroptera;(EEEE)
Splendid glossy-starling -- Sturnidae -- Lamprotornis splendidus;(FFFF)
Superb starling -- Sturnidae -- Lamprotornis superbus;(GGGG)
Bali myna -- Sturnidae -- Leucopsar rothschildi;(IIII)
Yellow-faced myna -- Sturnidae -- Mino dumontii;(JJJJ)
Tanagers and Allies -- Thraupidae -- All nonnative species;(KKKK)
Babblers -- Timaliidae -- All species;(LLLL)
White-eyes -- Zosteropidae -- All species.(A)
Allophrynid tree frog -- Allophrynidae -- Allophryne All species;(B)
Hairy frogs -- Arthroleptidae -- Trichobatrachus All species;(C)
Cane toad -- Bufonidae -- Bufo marinus;(D)
African tree toads -- Bufonidae -- Nectophryne All species;(E)
Live-bearing toads -- Bufonidae -- Nectophrynoides All species;(F)
Glass frogs -- Centrolenidae -- All species;(G)
Poison arrow frogs -- Dendrobatidae -- All species;(H)
Ghost frogs -- Heleophrynidae -- Heleophryne All species;(I)
Shovel-nosed frogs -- Hemisotidae -- Hemisus All species;(J)
Leaf frogs -- Hylidae -- Agalychnis All species;(K)
Casque-headed frogs -- Hylidae -- Aparashpenodon All species;(L)
Water-holding frogs -- Hylidae -- Cyclorana All species;(M)
Marsupial frogs -- Hylidae -- Gastrotheca All species;(N)
Marbled tree frogs – Hylidae – Hyla marmorata(O)
Australian giant tree frogs -- Hylidae --Litoria chlorus and L. infrafrenata;(P)
Slender-legged tree frogs -- Hylidae -- Osteocephalus All species;(Q)
Cuban tree frogs -- Hylidae -- Osteopilus All species;(R)
White’s tree frog -- Hylidae -- Pelodryas caerulea;(S)
Golden-eyed tree frogs -- Hylidae -- Phrynohyas All species;(T)
Monkey frogs -- Hylidae -- Phyllomedusa All species;(U)
Burrowing frogs -- Hylidae -- Pternohyla All species;(V)
Casque-headed tree frogs -- Hylidae -- Trachycephalus All species;(W)
Shovel-headed tree frogs -- Hylidae -- Triprion All species;(X)
Banana frogs -- Hyperoliidae -- Afrixalas All species;(Y)
Reed frogs -- Hyperoliidae -- Hyperolius All species;(Z)
Running frogs -- Hyperoliidae -- Kassina All species;(AA)
Forest tree frogs -- Hyperoliidae -- Leptopelis All species;(BB)
New Zealand frogs -- Leiopelmatidae -- Leiopelma All species;(CC)
Common horned frogs -- Leptodactylidae -- Ceratophrys All species;(DD)
Rain or robber frogs -- Leptodactylidae -- Eleutherodactylus All species;(EE)
Paraguay horned toads -- Leptodactylidae -- Lepidobatrachus All species(FF)
Asian horned toad -- Megophryidae -- Megophrys montana (nasuta);(GG)
Tomato frogs -- Microhylidae -- Dyscophus All species;(HH)
Narrow-mouthed frogs -- Microhylidae -- Gastrophryne All species;(II)
Sheep frogs -- Microhylidae -- Hypopachus All species;(JJ)
Malaysian narrowmouth toad -- Microhylidae -- Kaloula pulchra;(KK)
Tusked frog -- Myobatrachidae -- Adelotus brevis;(LL)
Pouched frog -- Myobatrachidae -- Assa darlingtoni;(MM)
Giant burrowing frogs -- Myobatrachidae -- Heleioporus All species;(NN)
Cannibal frogs -- Myobatrachidae -- Lechriodus All species;(OO)
Turtle frog -- Myobatrachidae -- Myobatrachus gouldii;(PP)
Australian spadefoot toads -- Myobatrachidae -- Notaden All species;(QQ)
Crowned toadlets -- Myobatrachidae -- Pseudophryne All species;(RR)
Gastric brooding frog -- Myobatrachidae -- Rheobatrachus All species;(SS)
Torrent frogs -- Myobatrachidae -- Taudactylus All species;(TT)
Australian toadlets -- Myobatrachidae -- Uperoleia All species;(UU)
Parsley frogs -- Pelodytidae -- Pelodytes All species;(VV)
Dwarf clawed frogs -- Pipidae -- Hymenochirus All species;(WW)
Surinam frogs -- Pipidae -- Pipa All species;(XX)
Mantella frogs --Ranidae -- Mantella All species;(ZZ)
Gliding or flying frogs -- Rhacophoridae -- Rhacophorus All species;(AAA)
Tonkin Bug-eyed frog – Rhacophoridae – Theloderma corticale;(BBB)
Mexican burrowing frog -- Rhinodermatidae -- Rhinophrynus dorsalis;(CCC)
Seychelles frogs -- Sooglossidae -- All species.(A)
Axolotl -- Ambystomatidae -- Ambystoma mexicanum;(B)
Gold-striped salamander -- Salamandridae -- Chioglossa lusitanica;(C)
Black-spotted and striped newts -- Salamandridae -- Notophthalmus meridionalis and N. perstriatus;(D)
Spectacled salamander -- Salamandridae -- Salamandrina teridgitata.(A)
Pricklenapes -- Agamidae -- Acanthosaura All species;(B)
Common or rainbow agama -- Agamidae -- Agama agama;(C)
Frilled dragon -- Agamidae -- Chlamydosaurus kingii;(D)
Humphead forest dragons -- Agamidae -- Gonocephalus All species;(E)
Sailfin lizards -- Agamidae -- Hydrosaurus All species;(F)
Anglehead forest dragons -- Agamidae -- Hypsilurus All species;(G)
Splendid Japalure – Agamidae – Japalura splendida(H)
Water dragons -- Agamidae -- Lophognathus All species;(I)
Water dragons -- Agamidae -- Physignathus All species;(J)
Bearded dragons -- Agamidae -- Pogona All species;(K)
Mastigures -- Agamidae -- Uromastyx All species;(L)
Strange Agamas – Agamidae – Xenagama All species;(M)
Chameleons -- Chamaeleonidae -- All species;(N)
Plated lizards -- Cordylidae -- Gerrhosaurus All species;(O)
Flat lizards -- Cordylidae -- Platysaurus All species;(P)
Geckos -- Gekkonidae -- All species;(Q)
Gila monster, beaded lizard -- Helodermatidae -- All species;(R)
Iguanid lizards -- Iguanaidae -- All nonnative species except: Crotaphytus spp., Gambelia spp., Sceloporus spp., Uta spp., Phrynosoma spp.;(A)
File snakes -- Acrochordidae -- All species;(B)
Pythons and Boas -- Boidae -- All nonnative species;(C)
Milk, Pine, Corn, Rat, Garter snakes -- Colubridae -- All nonnative species except Boiga irregularis, Lampropeltis getula, L.zonata, and Pituophis catenifer;(D)
Kingsnakes and gopher (bull) snakes -- Colubridae -- Individuals of Lampropeltis getula, L. zonata and Pituophis catenifer that are morphologically distinct from native species.(E)
Egyptian cobra -- Elapidae -- Naja haje;(F)
Black & white cobra -- Elapidae -- Naja melanoleuca;(G)
Indian cobra -- Elapidae -- Naja naja;(H)
Red spitting cobra -- Elapidae -- Naja pallida;(I)
King cobra -- Elapidae -- Ophiophagus hannah;(J)
Bush vipers -- Viperidae -- Atheris All species;(K)
Gaboon viper -- Viperidae -- Bitis gabonica;(L)
Rhinoceros viper -- Viperidae -- Bitis nasicornis;(M)
Horned vipers -- Viperidae -- Cerastes All species;(N)
Rattlesnakes -- Viperidae -- Crotalus aquilus, C. basiliscus, C. durissus, C. intermedius, C. polystictus, C. pusillus, C. tortugensis, C. triseriatus, C. unicolor, and C. vegrandis;(O)
Saw-scaled vipers -- Viperidae -- Echis All species;(P)
Bushmaster -- Viperidae -- Lachesis muta;(Q)
False horned vipers -- Viperidae -- Pseudocerastes All species;(R)
Pygmy rattlesnakes -- Viperidae -- Sistrurus miliarius and S. ravus.(d)
Order Testudines:(A)
Pignose turtles -- Carettochelyidae -- All species;(B)
Austro--American side-necked turtles -- Chelidae -- All species;(C)
Marine turtles – Cheloniidae – All species(D)
River turtles -- Dermatemydidae -- All species;
Rule 635-056-0060 — Noncontrolled Species, https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/view.action?ruleNumber=635-056-0060