OAR 635-065-0700
Rifles — Requirements

Hunters shall only use:


Any .24 caliber or larger centerfire rifle that is not fully automatic to hunt elk. Semiautomatics shall have a magazine capacity of no more than five cartridges.


Any centerfire rifle .22 caliber or larger that is not fully automatic to hunt pronghorn antelope, black bear, cougar, bighorn sheep, Rocky Mountain goat, or deer. Semiautomatics shall have a magazine capacity of no more than five cartridges.


Any rifle that is not fully automatic to hunt western gray squirrels.


For hunting seasons designated as rifle hunts, hunters shall use only firearms or bows and arrows legal for that species:


A person hunting deer with either a western Oregon deer rifle tag or eastern Oregon deer rifle tag shall use a legal centerfire or muzzleloading rifle, or shotgun, or centerfire handgun, or bow.


Hunters shall not use tracer ammunition or full metal-jacket bullets.

Source: Rule 635-065-0700 — Rifles — Requirements, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=635-065-0700.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 635-065-0700’s source at