OAR 660-004-0005

For the purpose of this division, the definitions in ORS 197.015 (Definitions for ORS chapters 195, 196, 197 and ORS 197A.300 to 197A.325) and the Statewide Planning Goals shall apply. In addition, the following definitions shall apply:


An “Exception” is a comprehensive plan provision, including an amendment to an acknowledged comprehensive plan, that:


Is applicable to specific properties or situations and does not establish a planning or zoning policy of general applicability;


Does not comply with some or all goal requirements applicable to the subject properties or situations; and


Complies with ORS 197.732 (Goal exceptions)(2), the provisions of this division and, if applicable, the provisions of OAR 660-011-0060 (Sewer Service to Rural Lands), 660-012-0070 (Exceptions for Transportation Improvements on Rural Land), 660-014-0030 (Rural Lands Irrevocably Committed to Urban Levels of Development) or 660-014-0040 (Establishment of New Urban Development on Undeveloped Rural Lands).


“Resource Land” is land subject to one or more of the statewide goals listed in OAR 660-004-0010 (Application of the Goal 2 Exception Process to Certain Goals)(1)(a) through (g) except subsections (c) and (d).


“Nonresource Land” is land not subject to any of the statewide goals listed in OAR 660-004-0010 (Application of the Goal 2 Exception Process to Certain Goals)(1)(a) through (g) except subsections (c) and (d). Nothing in these definitions is meant to imply that other goals, particularly Goal 5, do not apply to nonresource land.

Source: Rule 660-004-0005 — Definitions, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 660-004-0005’s source at