OAR 660-004-0010
Application of the Goal 2 Exception Process to Certain Goals


The exceptions process is not applicable to Statewide Goal 1 “Citizen Involvement” and Goal 2 “Land Use Planning.” The exceptions process is generally applicable to all or part of those statewide goals that prescribe or restrict certain uses of resource land, restrict urban uses on rural land, or limit the provision of certain public facilities and services. These statewide goals include but are not limited to:


Goal 3 “Agricultural Lands”; however, an exception to Goal 3 “Agricultural Lands” is not required for any of the farm or nonfarm uses allowed in an exclusive farm use (EFU) zone under ORS chapter 215 and OAR chapter 660, division 33, “Agricultural Lands”, except as provided under OAR 660-004-0022 (Reasons Necessary to Justify an Exception Under Goal 2, Part II(c)) regarding a use authorized by a statewide planning goal that cannot comply with the approval standards for that type of use;


Goal 4 “Forest Lands”; however, an exception to Goal 4 “Forest Lands” is not required for any of the forest or nonforest uses allowed in a forest or mixed farm/forest zone under OAR chapter 660, division 6, “Forest Lands”;


Goal 11 “Public Facilities and Services” as provided in OAR 660-011-0060 (Sewer Service to Rural Lands)(9);


Goal 14 “Urbanization” as provided for in the applicable paragraph (l)(c)(A), (B), (C) or (D) of this rule:


An exception is not required for the establishment of an urban growth boundary around or including portions of an incorporated city;


When a local government changes an established urban growth boundary applying Goal 14 as it existed prior to the amendments adopted April 28, 2005, it shall follow the procedures and requirements set forth in Goal 2 “Land Use Planning,” Part II, Exceptions. An established urban growth boundary is one that has been acknowledged under ORS 197.251 (Compliance acknowledgment), 197.625 (Acknowledgment of comprehensive plan or land use regulation changes) or 197.626 (Submission of land use decisions that expand urban growth boundary or designate urban or rural reserves). Findings and reasons in support of an amendment to an established urban growth boundary shall demonstrate compliance with the seven factors of Goal 14 and demonstrate that the following standards are met:
Reasons justify why the state policy embodied in the applicable goals should not apply (This factor can be satisfied by compliance with the seven factors of Goal 14);
Areas that do not require a new exception cannot reasonably accommodate the use;
The long-term environmental, economic, social and energy consequences resulting from the use at the proposed site with measures designed to reduce adverse impacts are not significantly more adverse than would typically result from the same proposal being located in areas requiring a goal exception other than the proposed site; and
The proposed uses are compatible with other adjacent uses or will be so rendered through measures designed to reduce adverse impacts.


When a local government changes an established urban growth boundary applying Goal 14 as amended April 28, 2005, a goal exception is not required unless the local government seeks an exception to any of the requirements of Goal 14 or other applicable goals;


For an exception to Goal 14 to allow urban development on rural lands, a local government must follow the applicable requirements of OAR 660-014-0030 (Rural Lands Irrevocably Committed to Urban Levels of Development) or 660-014-0040 (Establishment of New Urban Development on Undeveloped Rural Lands), in conjunction with applicable requirements of this division;


Goal 16 “Estuarine Resources”;


Goal 17 “Coastal Shorelands”; and


Goal 18 “Beaches and Dunes.”


The exceptions process is generally not applicable to those statewide goals that provide general planning guidance or that include their own procedures for resolving conflicts between competing uses. However, exceptions to these goals, although not required, are possible and exceptions taken to these goals will be reviewed when submitted by a local jurisdiction. These statewide goals are:


Goal 5 “Natural Resources, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Open Spaces”;


Goal 6 “Air, Water, and Land Resources Quality”;


Goal 7 “Areas Subject to Natural Hazards”;


Goal 8 "Recreational Needs”:


Goal 9 “Economic Development”;


Goal 10 “Housing” except as provided for in OAR 660-008-0035 (Substantive Standards for Taking a Goal 2, Part II Exception Pursuant to ORS 197.303(3)), "Substantive Standards for Taking a Goal 2, Part II, Exception Pursuant to ORS 197.303 (“Needed housing” defined)(3)”;


Goal 12 “Transportation” except as provided for by OAR 660-012-0070 (Exceptions for Transportation Improvements on Rural Land), “Exceptions for Transportation Improvements on Rural Land”;


Goal 13 “Energy Conservation”;


Goal 15 “Willamette River Greenway” except as provided for in OAR 660-004-0022 (Reasons Necessary to Justify an Exception Under Goal 2, Part II(c))(6); and


Goal 19 “Ocean Resources.”


An exception to one goal or goal requirement does not ensure compliance with any other applicable goals or goal requirements for the proposed uses at the exception site. Therefore, an exception to exclude certain lands from the requirements of one or more statewide goals or goal requirements does not exempt a local government from the requirements of any other goal(s) for which an exception was not taken.

Source: Rule 660-004-0010 — Application of the Goal 2 Exception Process to Certain Goals, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=660-004-0010.

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

Rule 660-004-0010’s source at