OAR 660-022-0010

For purposes of this division, the definitions contained in ORS 197.015 (Definitions for ORS chapters 195, 196, 197 and ORS 197A.300 to 197A.325) and the statewide planning goals (OAR chapter 660, division 15) apply. In addition, the following definitions apply:


“Commercial Use” means the use of land primarily for the retail sale of products or services, including offices. It does not include factories, warehouses, freight terminals, or wholesale distribution centers.


“Community Sewer System” means a sewage disposal system which has service connections to at least 15 permanent dwelling units, including manufactured homes, within the unincorporated community.


“Community Water System” means a system that distributes potable water through pipes to at least 15 permanent dwelling units, including manufactured homes within the unincorporated community.


“Industrial Use” means the use of land primarily for the manufacture, processing, storage, or wholesale distribution of products, goods, or materials. It does not include commercial uses.


“Permanent residential dwellings” includes manufactured homes, but does not include dwellings primarily intended for a caretaker of an industrial use, commercial use, recreational vehicle park or campground.


“Resort Community” is an unincorporated community that was established primarily for and continues to be used primarily for recreation or resort purposes; and


Includes residential and commercial uses; and


Provides for both temporary and permanent residential occupancy, including overnight lodging and accommodations.


“Rural Community” is an unincorporated community which consists primarily of permanent residential dwellings but also has at least two other land uses that provide commercial, industrial, or public uses (including but not limited to schools, churches, grange halls, post offices) to the community, the surrounding rural area, or to persons traveling through the area.


“Rural Service Center” is an unincorporated community consisting primarily of commercial or industrial uses providing goods and services to the surrounding rural area or to persons traveling through the area, but which also includes some permanent residential dwellings.


“Urban Unincorporated Community” is an unincorporated community which has the following characteristics:


Include at least 150 permanent residential dwellings units;


Contains a mixture of land uses, including three or more public, commercial or industrial land uses;


Includes areas served by a community sewer system; and


Includes areas served by a community water system.


“Unincorporated Community” means a settlement with all of the following characteristics:


It is made up primarily of lands subject to an exception to Statewide Planning Goal 3, Goal 4 or both;


It was either identified in a county’s acknowledged comprehensive plan as a “rural community,” “service center,” “rural center,” “resort community,” or similar term before this division was adopted (October 28, 1994), or it is listed in the Department of Land Conservation and Development’s January 30, 1997, “Survey of Oregon’s Unincorporated Communities”;


It lies outside the urban growth boundary of any city;


It is not incorporated as a city; and


It met the definition of one of the four types of unincorporated communities in sections (6) through (9) of this rule, and included the uses described in those definitions, prior to the adoption of this division (October 28, 1994).

Source: Rule 660-022-0010 — Definitions, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 660-022-0010’s source at