OAR 660-022-0050
Community Public Facility Plans


In coordination with special districts, counties shall adopt public facility plans meeting the requirements of OAR 660, division 11, and include them in the comprehensive plan for unincorporated communities over 2,500 in population. A community public facility plan addressing sewer and water is required if the unincorporated community is designated as an urban unincorporated community under OAR 660-022-0010 (Definitions) and 660-022-0020 (Designation of Community Areas). For all communities, a sewer and water community public facility plan is required if:


Existing sewer or water facilities are insufficient for current needs, or are projected to become insufficient due to physical conditions, financial circumstances or changing state or federal standards; or


The plan for the unincorporated community provides for an amount, type or density of additional growth or infill that cannot be adequately served with individual water or sanitary systems or by existing community facilities and services; or


The community relies on groundwater and is within a groundwater limited or groundwater critical area as identified by the Oregon Department of Water Resources; or


Land in the community has been declared a health hazard or has a history of failing septic systems or wells.


A community public facility plan shall include inventories, projected needs, policies and regulations for the water and sewerage facilities which are existing or needed to serve the unincorporated community, including:


An inventory of the condition and capacity of existing public facilities and services;


An assessment of the level of facilities and services needed to adequately serve the planned buildout within the community area boundary; and


Coordination agreements consistent with ORS chapter 195.


If existing community facilities and services are not currently adequate to serve the development allowed in the plan and zoning ordinance, the community public facility plan shall contain either:


Development restrictions to ensure development will not exceed the capacity of the land to absorb waste and provide potable water and will not exceed the capacity of public facilities; or


A list of new facilities, and improvements for existing public facilities, necessary to adequately serve the planned buildout in the unincorporated community, including the projected costs of these improvements and an identification of the provider or providers of these improvements; and


A discussion of the provider’s funding mechanisms and the ability of these and possibly new mechanisms to fund the development of each community public facility project; and


A requirement that development not occur until the necessary public facilities are available for that development.

Source: Rule 660-022-0050 — Community Public Facility Plans, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 660-022-0050’s source at