OAR 690-051-0090
Applications for Minor Projects: Contents, Scope of Evaluation and Application of Standards


An application shall be filed for each minor License or Permit. An application must contain the information in OAR 690-051-0070 (Applications for Preliminary Permits: Contents and Scope of Evaluation). No application shall be filed for a project in a designated resource area described in OAR 690 051 0030 without the consent of the managing agency.


The Department shall receive the application together with the filing fee and date stamp the application which will thereafter serve as the priority date of the application. If the application is for an area withdrawn from hydroelectric development by the Commission the application and filing fee may be returned.


The Department may schedule a site visit to the proposed project with other agency representatives. A public hearing shall be held only if the Director deems it in the public interest to do so. The hearing may be limited to specific issues. Notice of the hearing shall meet the requirements specified in OAR 690-051-0130 (Hearings Requirements for Preliminary Permits, Licenses and Permits; Notice of Hearings)(3). Upon acceptance of a minor hydroelectric application, the following review process shall apply:


Upon filing of a minor hydroelectric application, the Director shall notify the following groups and individuals of the information described in subsection (b) of this section:


Affected local, state and federal agencies, including the planning departments of affected local governments with a request that a copy of said notice be posted in a conspicuous location in the county courthouse;


Property owners within 300 feet of the proposed powerhouse;


Affected Indian tribes; and


All persons on the Department’s weekly notice list.


The notice shall include but is not limited to the following information:


Application file number;


Applicant name and address;


Amount of proposed water use;


Common name of water source;


Location of the proposed point of diversion and point of power generation;


Purpose for which the power would be used;


Total amount of power to be developed;


If a pond or reservoir is part of the project, how much water will be impounded.


A 30 day comment period shall commence on the day the Department sends the notice. The notice shall state the date comments must be received by the Department;


Following the comment period, the Department shall prepare a proposed final order with findings to address whether the proposed project together with any recommended measures to protect, mitigate, or enhance the natural resources of the State is consistent with the minimum standards in ORS 543.017 (Minimum standards for development of hydroelectric power) and the requirements in OAR 690 051 0160 through 690 051 0270 and whether the project would impair or be detrimental to the public interest as provided in ORS 543.225 (Hearing on application). The proposed final order shall include the action proposed to be taken on the minor hydroelectric application;


The proposed final order shall be distributed to the applicant and all individuals, including all governmental agencies, who have filed timely comments with the Department. The report shall state the date by which protests must be received by the Director (60 days from the date it was distributed);


Comments or protests must state facts which support the allegation that the proposed minor hydroelectric use should not be acted upon as proposed by the proposed final order. Upon receiving a protest, the Director shall:


Transmit copies of any protest timely filed to the applicant and all commentors;


Evaluate the protest to determine whether significant issues are raised and if so shall refer the application, with accompanying protest, to the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) established under ORS 183.605 (Office of Administrative Hearings) to 183.685 (Ex parte communications) for a contested case hearing. If the Director determines the protests do not raise significant issues, the Director shall issue a final order. A final order issued pursuant to this section is a final order in other than a contested case subject to judicial review under ORS 183.484 (Jurisdiction for review of orders other than contested cases).


If the application is referred for a contested case hearing, a proposed order shall be issued by the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) after the hearing. Any party to the contested case hearing may file exceptions to the ALJ’s proposed order. Exceptions must be filed with the Department within 30 days of the order. If no exceptions are filed to the ALJ’s proposed order within 30 days, the Director shall issue a final order consistent with subsection (6) below.


If exceptions are filed to the ALJ’s proposed order, the Director shall review/hear argument (written or oral, at his/her discretion) and make the final determination for the final order.


If, after the contested case hearing or, if a hearing is not held, after the close of the period allowed to file a protest, the Director determines that the proposed use would not comply with the standards of ORS 543.017 (Minimum standards for development of hydroelectric power) and the requirements of OAR 690-051-0160 (Standards for Evaluation) through 690-051-0290 (Consolidated Review) or would otherwise impair or be detrimental to the public interest as provided in ORS 543.225 (Hearing on application), the Director shall issue a final order rejecting the application or modifying the proposed order to comply with ORS 543.017 (Minimum standards for development of hydroelectric power) and the public interest. If, after the contested case hearing the Director determines that the proposed use would comply with the standards of ORS 543.017 (Minimum standards for development of hydroelectric power) and would not impair or be detrimental to the public interest as provided in ORS 543.225 (Hearing on application), the Director shall issue a final order approving the application or otherwise modifying the proposed order.


A final order may set forth any of the provisions or restrictions to be included in the permit or minor License concerning the use, control and management of the water to be appropriated for the project, including, but not limited to, a specification of reservoir operation and minimum releases to protect the public interest.


If the project is approved a Permit or minor License shall then be issued after any balance due on the application filing fee has been paid.

Source: Rule 690-051-0090 — Applications for Minor Projects: Contents, Scope of Evaluation and Application of Standards, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=690-051-0090.

Projects to be Considered by the Commission
Restriction on Filing
Preliminary Permit not Required
Applications: Filing Procedure
Applications for Preliminary Permits: Contents and Scope of Evaluation
Application of Standards to Preliminary Permits
Applications for Minor Projects: Contents, Scope of Evaluation and Application of Standards
Applications for Major Projects: Scope of Evaluation and Application of Standards
Application for Major License or Permit: Contents, Scope of Evaluation
Hearings Requirements for Preliminary Permits, Licenses and Permits
Time and Place of Hearings
Filing of Protest and Remonstrances
Standards for Evaluation
Protection of Designated Resource Areas and Special Management Areas
Mitigation, No Net Loss
Water Resources
Fish Resources
Plant Life
Hist.: Cultural and Archaeological Resources
Land Resources
Land Use
Need for Power
Consolidated Review
Interim Orders
Competing Applications
Minor Projects, Waiver of Provisions of Act Where the Licensee is Not a Public Utility
Water Rights
Failure to Construct Project or Utilize Water
Fees: Filing and Annual
Agreements Between Municipal and Private Applicants
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 690-051-0090’s source at or​.us