OAR 735-070-0004
Cancellation and Suspension Actions Under ORS 809.310


Pursuant to ORS 809.310 (Cancellation or suspension of driving privileges)(1) and (2) and 807.400 (Issuance)(17), DMV will cancel any driver license, driver permit or identification card when DMV determines that it was issued on the basis of false information given to DMV or determines that the person is not entitled to driving privileges or the identification card. The cancellation action may be taken in addition to the suspension actions authorized by section (3) of this rule.


When DMV cancels a person’s driver license, driver permit or identification card under section (1) of this rule, DMV may cancel any other driver license, driver permit or identification card issued to the person to which the person is not entitled or which was issued on the basis of false information given to DMV.


Pursuant to ORS 809.310 (Cancellation or suspension of driving privileges)(3) and 809.415 (Suspensions for conduct involving judgments, financial responsibility, dishonesty)(5), DMV will suspend driving privileges and the right to apply for driving privileges if DMV determines that a person has knowingly committed any of the acts identified in ORS 809.310 (Cancellation or suspension of driving privileges)(3)(a) through (h). The suspension will be imposed regardless of when the act occurred.


When DMV suspends a person’s driving privileges pursuant to ORS 809.411 (Suspension for conviction of crime)(9) because the person has been convicted of any of the acts identified in 809.310 (Cancellation or suspension of driving privileges)(3) (a) through (h), or because DMV has determined the person knowingly committed any of the acts identified in 809.310 (Cancellation or suspension of driving privileges)(3)(a) through (h), DMV will suspend any other driving privileges issued to the person and the person’s right to apply for driving privileges.


Notwithstanding sections (3) and (4) of this rule, when DMV has determined a person gave a false or fictitious address to DMV, DMV will cancel but not suspend the person’s driver license, driver permit or identification card under section (1) of this rule.

Source: Rule 735-070-0004 — Cancellation and Suspension Actions Under ORS 809.310, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=735-070-0004.

Driver License Cancellations — Not Entitled to Driving Privileges
Cancellation and Suspension Actions Under ORS 809.310
Reinstatement of Driving Privileges Suspended for Obtaining False ID
Reinstatement Following Cancellation or Suspension Under ORS 807.220, 807.230, 807.350, 809.310 and 809.320
NDR/PDPS and CDLIS Checks at Reinstatement
Hearing Following a Cancellation
Suspension/Revocation for Out-of-State Conviction, Suspension or Revocation
Effect of Commercial Driving Privilege Withdrawal on Non-Commercial Driving Privileges
Designated Agents for Vehicle Suspensions
Police Reports for Implied Consent Suspension Under ORS 813.100, 813.120, 813.132 and 813.410
Withdrawal of Implied Consent Forms by Police Agency
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Ignition Interlock Device (IID) as Requirement Following DUII Suspension
Medical Exemption from IID Requirement
Proof of Treatment Completion Required for Reinstatement of DUII Suspension
Hearing Requests Under the Administrative Procedures Act
Fatal Accident Suspension
Counting Convictions Toward Habitual Offender Revocation
Hearing Regarding Civil Penalty for Violation of an Out-of-Service Order or Notification of Violation
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 735-070-0004’s source at