OAR 736-045-0011

As used in this division, the definitions in ORS 273.563 (Definitions for ORS 273.563 to 273.591) and 390.005 (Definitions) apply, unless the context provides otherwise:


“Agency” means a local, state or federal, agency, board, commission, or department.


“Commission” means the State Parks and Recreation Commission.


“Committee” means the Natural Areas Advisory Committee.


“Candidate natural area” means a natural resource area that may be considered for registration or dedication.


“Data bank” means the Natural Areas Program inventory of natural heritage resources classification, data analysis, priority setting, owner and other data maintained by the Institute for Natural Resources under ORS 352.808 (Institute for Natural Resources).


“Dedicate” means the formal recognition and protection of a natural area for conservation purposes.


“Department” means Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.


“Director” means the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Director.


“Instrument” means any written document intended to convey an interest in real property under ORS 93.710 (Instruments or memoranda creating certain interests in realty), or an agreement between parties according to the Natural Areas Program or the Oregon Natural Areas Plan.


“Introduced plant species” means exotic or non-native species.


“Managed area” means a registered or dedicated state natural area that, by management agreement between the department and private landowner, or agency, the area and its natural heritage resources are maintained in a manner to protect the natural character.


“Management scheme” means a plan that sets forth in detail the responsibilities for the administration of an individual state natural area.


“Natural area” means a unit of land or water or both that may be considered for dedication under ORS 273.563 (Definitions for ORS 273.563 to 273.591) to 273.591 (Natural Areas Program Account) and that has substantially retained its natural character, or, if altered in character, shall in addition to its natural heritage resource values, be valuable as habitat for plant and animal species or for the study and appreciation of natural features. This includes areas in the process of being restored.


“Natural heritage resources” means the terrestrial ecosystems types, aquatic ecosystems types and unique geologic types as defined in the Oregon Natural Areas Plan or a unit of land or water which contains a natural resource.


“Plan” means the Oregon Natural Areas Plan established under ORS 273.578 (Plan approval), which governs the Natural Areas Program in selecting natural areas for conservation.


“Program” means the Natural Areas Program as established in ORS 273.566 (Legislative findings), which provides for the establishment of a limited system of State Natural Area representing a full range of Oregon’s natural resources and includes special species of plants and animals.


“Register” means the Oregon Register of Natural Areas established under ORS 273.581 (Natural areas register). The Register contains an official list of areas which have significant natural resources and special species. Registered areas include those provisionally registered by the commission.


“Special species” means those species of plants and animals determined by the department to be of significant value in a state natural area and defined in the Plan.


“State natural area” means an area that an individual, organization or public agency dedicates as a state natural area under ORS 273.586 (Dedication of land as state natural area). The department classifies property dedicated as a state natural area under ORS 273.586 (Dedication of land as state natural area) and this division and owned by the department as a “state natural area reserve.”


“Wildlife” means any wild or free living vertebrate or invertebrate animal.
Natural Areas Advisory Committee: Composition and Roles
Schedule of Fees and Charges: Acceptance of Funds
Oregon Register of Natural Heritage Resources: Criteria for Inclusion in or Removal from the Register
Oregon Register of Natural Heritage Resources: Procedures for Registering
Oregon Register of Natural Heritage Resources: Register File
Oregon Register of Natural Heritage Resources: Location and Maintenance of Register
Oregon Register of Natural Heritage Resources: Register Review
Oregon Register of Natural Heritage Resources: Register Withdrawal
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Purpose
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Instruments of Dedication
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Publicity
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Reports
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Instruments
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): State Natural Area Manager
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Fire
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Water Level Control
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Disturbance of Natural Features
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Visitor Protection
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Erosion Control
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Scenic or Landscape Management
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Control of Succession
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Control of Introduced Plant Species
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Control of Wildlife Populations
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Introduction and Management of Special Species
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Use Tolerance
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Collecting Permits
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Boundary Markers
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Fences
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Trails
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Other Structures and Improvements
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Amendments
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Waiver of Rules
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 736-045-0011’s source at or​.us