OAR 736-045-0405
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Instruments of Dedication


Private dedication — a private individual or organization that is the owner of any registered natural area may voluntarily agree to dedicate that area as a state natural area by executing with the department, an instrument of dedication. Instrument provisions and policies include, but are not limited to, the following:


An agreement that provides each natural heritage resource in the state natural area with the most secure protection obtainable;


An unlimited period of time, or a term sufficiently long to warrant dedication protection;


Permission for conducting scientific research and other activities shall be commensurate with program objectives; and


Termination of dedication may occur upon written notification to the commission, including specific reasons for termination, and provision by the commission of opportunity for adequate public notice and hearing.


The department shall file an executed instrument of dedication of a state natural area under private ownership under section (1) in the office of the clerk of the county in which any or all of the state natural area is located, and shall be effective upon its recording.


The department shall provide a copy of the dedication and management agreement(s) to the private owner of a state natural area.


Agency dedication — any public agency may dedicate lands under the provisions of ORS 273.563 (Definitions for ORS 273.563 to 273.591) to 273.591 (Natural Areas Program Account), this division, and the plan, after providing the opportunity for adequate public notice and hearing.


The Oregon Transportation Commission, the State Fish and Wildlife Commission, the State Board of Forestry, the State Board of Higher Education, and the State Land Board shall, with the advice and assistance of the department, establish procedures for the dedication of state natural areas on land, water, or both, the title of which is held by the State of Oregon, and which is under that agency’s management and control.


Instruments of dedication under sections (1) and (4) shall contain any information or provisions as the private owner, organization or agency and department consider necessary to complete the dedication.


Termination of the dedication of a state natural area by a public agency or a state natural area reserve by the department requires that the terminating agency:


Provide an opportunity for adequate public notice and hearing; and


Makes a finding of either:


An imperative and unavoidable necessity due to natural disaster in the site, need of the natural resource during time of declared war, or the need of the natural resource because of extreme economic crisis of the state; or


That the state natural area or state natural area reserve is no longer needed according to the guidelines of the plan, or has permanently lost its character, subject to the department’s approval.

Source: Rule 736-045-0405 — Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Instruments of Dedication, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=736-045-0405.

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Schedule of Fees and Charges: Acceptance of Funds
Oregon Register of Natural Heritage Resources: Criteria for Inclusion in or Removal from the Register
Oregon Register of Natural Heritage Resources: Procedures for Registering
Oregon Register of Natural Heritage Resources: Register File
Oregon Register of Natural Heritage Resources: Location and Maintenance of Register
Oregon Register of Natural Heritage Resources: Register Review
Oregon Register of Natural Heritage Resources: Register Withdrawal
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Purpose
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Instruments of Dedication
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Publicity
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Reports
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Instruments
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): State Natural Area Manager
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Fire
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Water Level Control
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Disturbance of Natural Features
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Visitor Protection
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Erosion Control
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Scenic or Landscape Management
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Control of Succession
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Control of Introduced Plant Species
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Control of Wildlife Populations
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Introduction and Management of Special Species
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Use Tolerance
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Collecting Permits
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Boundary Markers
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Fences
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Trails
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Other Structures and Improvements
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Amendments
Dedication and Management of a State Natural Area (Reserve): Waiver of Rules
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 736-045-0405’s source at or​.us