OAR 736-054-0080

(1) The entity must submit a complete application and required supporting materials to the Coordinator, as indicated on the application instructions. At a minimum, the entity must:
(a) Name an appointed contact person.
(b) Provide evidence establishing that that cemetery is abandoned. The Department will describe all required documentation in the application instructions, which will include, but is not limited to:
(A) Copies of county land ownership records;
(B) Tracking of efforts to contact owner(s) of record, if there is one;
(C) Tracking of efforts to find descendants of deceased owner(s) of record, if there is one.
(D) Title tracking is an optional form of documentation.
(c) Provide documentation supporting the eligibility of the entity. The department will describe all required documentation in the application instructions, which will include, but is not limited to:
(A) Description of knowledge landscape care, lawn maintenance, etc.;
(B) Description of vegetation treatment methods to be used, including proposed tools;
(C) Description of monument cleaning methods to be used; and
(D) Description of preservation treatments and methods to be used.
(d) Indicate which one or more of the following activities allowed under ORS 226.640 (Issuance of permit to restore, maintain and preserve abandoned cemetery)(2) that it is applying for:
(A) Restore the grounds of the cemetery;
(B) Maintain the grounds of the cemetery;
(C) Preserve the grounds of the cemetery;
(E) Establish a fund to collect donations for the restoration, maintenance, and preservation of the abandoned cemetery.
(2) At any time before the Department issues a permit, an entity may withdraw its application by providing notice to the Coordinator.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 736-054-0080’s source at or​.us