OAR 740-035-0142
Solo Vehicle Weight


Solo vehicle, for the purposes of ORS 825.005 (Definitions)(4) and 825.474 (Motor carrier tax for use of highways), means any motor vehicle that is self-propelled or designed for self-propulsion. It includes, but is not limited to: A truck tractor, a dromedary truck-tractor, a motor truck, a bus, a fixed load power unit, or any motor vehicle used in furtherance of a commercial business.


The declared weight for a solo motor vehicle that is designed and used exclusively to pull trailers and cannot carry a load on the motor vehicle itself is determined by subtracting the maximum weight the trailer can legally carry from the declared weight of the first combination weight for the vehicle.


The declared weight for a solo motor vehicle that is designed and used to haul a load, or is a fixed load power unit, and does not operate in combination with a trailer is the highest weight at which the motor carrier declares the vehicle will be operated.


The declared weight for a solo motor vehicle that is designed and used to haul a load or is a fixed load power unit, and operates in combination with a trailer is determined by subtracting the maximum weight the trailer can legally carry from the declared weight of the first combination weight for the vehicle, or the highest weight at which the motor carrier declares the vehicle will be operated, whichever is greater.


When the declared weight of a solo vehicle is 26,000 pounds or less, all solo operations are subject to use fuel tax unless the actual weight is over 26,000 pounds.


If the weight of a solo vehicle exceeds 26,000 pounds, all solo operations during the reporting period are subject to ORS 825.474 (Motor carrier tax for use of highways).

Source: Rule 740-035-0142 — Solo Vehicle Weight, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 740-035-0142’s source at