OAR 740-035-0150
Application for New Authority, Extension or Transfer of Certificate, Intrastate


Applications for new intrastate authority and applications for extension of existing intrastate authority must be accompanied by the following:


Exhibits describing the requested territory, if the application is for household goods authority;


Proposed Tariff of Rates if required by ORS Chapter 825 (Motor Carriers), in the form prescribed by OAR 740-050-0400, 740-050-0410 and 740-050-0500 (Filing Requirements for Tariffs);


A filing fee in the amount provided in ORS 825.180 (Application fee);


Certification that the applicant can or will provide proof of liability and cargo insurance coverage, or acceptable surety, as required by ORS 825.166 (Deposit of securities or letter of credit), OAR 740-040-0010 (Insurance), 740-040-0020 (Liability Insurance), and 740-040-0030 (Cargo Insurance). No certificate will be issued until the Department has received proof that the required coverage is in effect;


A current financial statement consisting of the following:


A balance sheet showing the value of assets owned, the amount of liabilities owed and net worth; and


An income statement for the most recently completed year immediately preceding the date of the application showing revenues, expenses and profits or losses; or


A pro-forma, or projected, income statement for the first year of operations if a new business.


The results of a criminal background check for each applicant for authority, except for an applicant seeking an extension of existing authority. For the purpose of criminal background checks, “applicant” has the meaning ascribed to it in ORS 825.135 (Denial of certificate, permit, transfer or extension of authority), and includes each sole proprietor, all partners of a partnership, all officers and majority stockholders of a corporation, and all members of a limited liability company. The Department may obtain, or require an applicant to provide, a fingerprint based criminal background check if the Department is not satisfied that the criminal background check provided with the application is current or accurate.


Any other information or documents pertaining to the above requirements that the Department may deem appropriate.


Authority granted for extension of geographic area shall not be broader in terms of types of services offered than that granted in the original application. An application to remove a service restriction from an existing authority must be made as an application for new authority.


Authority sought by application for transfer must be limited to that authority contained in the certificate subject to transfer.


An application for transfer of a certificate must be accompanied by the following:


All items listed in subsections (1)(a) through (g) of this rule;


When a certificate holder is granted additional authority by transfer or extension, the two authorities will be merged and a single authority will be issued.


Any application, petition or other filing that contains false information, is incomplete, or does not comply with all the Department’s rules and regulations may be rejected.


No certificate holder shall hold more than one certificate authorizing the same service.

Source: Rule 740-035-0150 — Application for New Authority, Extension or Transfer of Certificate, Intrastate, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 740-035-0150’s source at