OAR 801-010-0065
Qualifications for Licensure

(1) Requirements. Applicants for the license of Certified Public Accountant must meet the following requirements:
(a) Complete and pass all sections of the CPA exam
(b) Complete and pass an ethics exam that has been adopted by the Board with a score of 90 or above; and
(c) Have a minimum of 12 months and at least 2000 hours of supervised employment.
(d) Applicants for the CPA license must obtain the experience in each of the seven competencies as described in sections (2) through (4) of this rule.
(e) The experience, ethics and examination requirements must be obtained and completed within eight years immediately preceding the date the application for license was received at the Board office.
(2) Experience Requirements:
(a) Supervisor Licensee is a person who qualifies under this rule as a supervisor for the purpose of verifying the experience requirement of an applicant for a CPA license under OAR 801-010-0065 (Qualifications for Licensure) or the experience requirement of an applicant for a public accountant license under 801-010-0100 (Public Accountant Licenses).
(b) To qualify as a supervisor licensee the person providing supervision must hold an active CPA license issued by any state or a PA license issued under ORS 673.100 (License as public accountant) during the period of supervision and for at least five of the past seven years immediately prior to such supervision. Notwithstanding, a public accountant (PA) may not act as a supervising licensee or verify an applicant’s experience relating to attestation services.
(c) A supervisor licensee must provide direct supervision over an applicant and shall certify to the Board whether or not the applicant has gained qualifying experience under this rule.
(d) “Direct supervision” as used in this rule means that there is a regular and meaningful interaction between the supervisor licensee and the person being supervised in terms of planning, coordinating, guiding, inspecting, controlling, and evaluating activities, and having authority over the employee being supervised. A licensee acting as a consultant or independent contractor to the applicant’s employer will not meet the requirement of direct supervision.
(e) The experience required under ORS 673.040 (Eligibility for certificate of certified public accountant) consists of activities generally performed by Oregon licensed CPAs and PAs engaged in public practice. Typical public practice experience includes attestation services, tax return preparation, financial advisory services and/or compliance and internal control evaluation. Experience obtained while performing attest, compilations, financial advisory services or tax advisory services must be performed while employed at a public accounting firm.
(3) Experience portfolio. The applicant must develop a portfolio that demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Board that the applicant has achieved each of the following competencies, together with the supervisory licensee verification.
(a) Understanding of the Code of Professional Conduct promulgated and adopted by the Board;
(b) Ability to assess the achievement of a client’s objectives by demonstrating knowledge of various business organizations, understanding of the objectives and goals of business entities, ability to develop and analyze performance measures and critical success factors, and understanding of the economic and regulatory trends that affect the environment of a business entity.
(c) Experience in preparing working papers that include sufficient relevant data to support the analysis and conclusions required by the applicant’s work.
(d) Understanding transaction streams and information systems, including the ability to understand how individual transactions aggregate at the organizational level, to infer how transactions impact the organization as a whole, and to evaluate the integrity and reliability of various client information systems, including relevant computer aspects.
(e) Skills in risk assessment and verification demonstrated by a sufficient understanding of accounting and other information systems to:
(A) Assess the risk of misstatement in an information system;
(B) Obtain sufficient relevant data based on the risk of misstatement and the nature of the engagement to determine the appropriateness of underlying data in terms of its completeness, existence and occurrence, valuation and allocation, rights and obligations, presentation and disclosures.
(f) Skills in decision making, problem solving, critical analytical thinking, including the ability to evaluate and interpret sufficient relevant data in a variety of engagements and settings. For example, the candidate must evaluate a client’s cash flow, profitability, liquidity, solvency, operating cycle, achievement of management’s plans, accomplishment of service efforts, and systems reliability.
(g) Ability to express scope of work, findings, and conclusions, including the ability to determine the appropriateness of reports on financial statements, system reliability, or reports expressing scope of work, findings and conclusions.
(4) Qualifying experience. An applicant must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Board that the portfolio of experience submitted is of sufficient quality and diversity to meet the requirements of this rule. Qualifying experience may be obtained in the following categories:
(a) Attest Experience that demonstrates the competencies prescribed in section (3) of this rule must be obtained while the applicant is:
(A) Employed in public practice on the staff of a certified public accountant or a firm of certified public accountants;
(B) Employed in an organization where employment is equivalent to that described in paragraph (4)(a)(A) of this rule if a peer review is conducted or if such employment is with audit agencies, internal audit departments or other organizations where a peer review is conducted and the audit agency, internal audit department, or other organization is independent of the entity.
(C) Experience under this subsection must include:
(i) Conducting attest-oriented functions where third party reliance is an objective of the report;
(ii) Preparing opinions in accordance with professional standards;
(iii) Preparing financial statements with footnotes to generally accepted accounting principles or applicable reporting framework; and
(iv) Accounting and review services.
(D) “Third party reliance” as used in this rule means:
(i) Actual third party reliance, such as takes place with respect to the reader of financial statements upon which an audit opinion has been rendered by a public accountant licensed in Oregon or a certified public accountant;
(ii) Audits performed by government agencies, including tax authorities, on organizations which are not subject to management control by the auditing agency; or
(iii) Financial audits performed by independent working groups where the purpose of the audit is reliance by the board of directors on the fairness of the presentation of internally generated financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or applicable reporting framework.
(E) Attest experience will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to ensure that experience meets the criteria of subsections (3)(a) through (g).
(b) Tax Experience that demonstrates the competencies prescribed in section (3) of this rule must be obtained while the applicant is:
(A) Employed in public practice on the staff of a public accountant, a certified public accountant or a firm of public accountants or certified public accountants;
(B) Engaged in employment that is equivalent to that described in paragraph (4)(b)(A) of this rule.
(J) Tax experience will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to ensure that experience meets criteria of subsections (3)(a) through (g).
(c) Industry accountancy. Experience that demonstrates the competencies described in section (3) of this rule may also be obtained while the applicant is employed under the direct supervision of a public accountant or certified public accountant as provided under this rule.
(d) Experience, other than experience described in subsections (4)(a), (b), and (c) of this rule will be evaluated by the Board on a case-by-case basis to ensure that experience meets the criteria of subsections (3)(a) through (g).
(5) Submitting applications to the Board.
(a) An applicant’s file must be complete in every particular within three months of the date of application or the file will be closed. The application fee is not refundable.
(b) An applicant’s file may be included on the agenda of any meeting of the Board if the file is complete in every particular no less than fourteen days prior to the date of a scheduled Board meeting.

Source: Rule 801-010-0065 — Qualifications for Licensure, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=801-010-0065.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 801-010-0065’s source at or​.us