OAR 833-120-0041
Record Keeping and Confidentiality


Criminal offender information is confidential under ORS 181A.195 (Criminal records check)(11) and 676.175 (Complaints and investigations confidential) and OAR 125-007-0310 (Recordkeeping and Confidentiality), and will not be disseminated by the Board except to persons with a demonstrated and legitimate need to know the information, including:


The subject of a fingerprint-based criminal history check may be provided a copy of the results, if requested in writing prior to the completion of the criminal history check process; and


Criminal history information may be used as exhibits during a contested case hearing process.


Information obtained directly from the Law Enforcement Data System will be managed by the Board in accordance with applicable OSP requirements.


Fingerprint cards, if returned to the Board by OSP or the FBI, will be destroyed. No copies, facsimiles, or other materials from which the fingerprints could be reproduced will be maintained by the Board.


Challenges to the accuracy or completeness of criminal background information must be made to the reporting agency and not to the Board.


A person against whom disciplinary action is taken by the Board on the basis of information obtained as the result of a criminal records check conducted pursuant to this rule is entitled to notice and hearing in accordance with the provisions for contested cases in ORS Chapter 183 (Administrative Procedures Act).

Source: Rule 833-120-0041 — Record Keeping and Confidentiality, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 833-120-0041’s source at