OAR 833-120-0021
Procedural Requirements


To complete a criminal history check, the Board will require each subject individual to:


Provide fingerprints pursuant to ORS 181A.170 (Electronic fingerprint capture technology required) (additional fingerprints may be required if the initial fingerprints are rejected);


Provide personal information necessary to obtain the criminal history check pursuant to OAR 125-007-0220 (Information Required); and


Pay to the Board the actual costs charged by the Oregon State Police (OSP) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).


The Board may also request, and the applicant, licensee, or registered intern must provide, the following information:


Responses to a criminal history questionnaire; and


Written response to questions by the Board regarding the person’s criminal history.


The Board will make a final fitness determination based on criminal offender information and other factors, pursuant to ORS 181A.195 (Criminal records check)(10)(d) and OAR 125-007-0260 (Final Fitness Determination) to 125-007-0270 (Crimes Considered).


A subject individual may contest an adverse final fitness determination pursuant to OAR 125-007-0300 (Appealing a Fitness Determination).

Source: Rule 833-120-0021 — Procedural Requirements, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 833-120-0021’s source at