OAR 836-100-0100
Authority; Purpose; Scope


OAR 836-100-0100 (Authority; Purpose; Scope) to 836-100-0120 (Review and Update of Standards) are adopted by the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services pursuant to ORS 743.061. The purpose of OAR 836-100-0100 (Authority; Purpose; Scope) to 836-100-0120 (Review and Update of Standards) is to establish the uniform administrative standards that health insurers and health care entities are required to comply with under ORS 743.061. The uniform standards have been developed by the Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research in consultation with stakeholders pursuant to ORS 743.062.


The uniform standards adopted under OAR 836-100-0100 (Authority; Purpose; Scope) to 836-100-0120 (Review and Update of Standards) apply to all health insurers and health care entities in Oregon as specified in each companion guide.

Source: Rule 836-100-0100 — Authority; Purpose; Scope, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 836-100-0100’s source at