OAR 836-100-0110
Adoption of Standards


On or after October 1, 2012, to the extent possible, all health insurers and health care entities must conduct eligibility benefit inquiry and response transactions with health care providers as electronic transactions that conform to the uniform standards developed by the Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research pursuant to ORS 743.062 as set forth in the Oregon Companion Guide for Health Care Eligibility Benefit Inquiry and Response in accordance with the following schedule:


On and after October 1, 2012, to the extent possible, all health insurers and health care entities must conduct claims or encounter transactions with health care providers in conformance with the uniform standards developed by the Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research pursuant to ORS 743.062 as set forth in the Oregon Companion Guide for Health Care Claim: Professional, Oregon Companion Guide for Health Care Claim: Institutional and Oregon Companion Guide for Health Care Claim: Dental in accordance with the following schedule:


On and after January 1, 2014, to the extent possible, all health insurers and health care entities must conduct claims payment or advice transactions with health care providers as electronic transactions that conform to the uniform standards developed by the Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research pursuant to ORS 743.062 as set forth in the Oregon Companion Guide for Health Care Claim Payment or Advice.


On and after January 1, 2014, to the extent possible, all health insurers and health care entities must conduct claims status request and response transactions with health care providers as electronic transactions that conform to the uniform standards developed by the Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research pursuant to ORS 743.062 as set forth in the Oregon Companion Guide for Claim Status Request and Response.

Source: Rule 836-100-0110 — Adoption of Standards, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 836-100-0110’s source at