OAR 839-020-0320
Definitions for Exemptions Relating to Executive, Administrative, Supervisory and Professional Employees of a Public Agency

As used in ORS 653.268 (Overtime for labor directly employed by public employers) to 653.269 (Exceptions to ORS 653.268), unless the context requires otherwise:


Employees exempted from overtime because of the executive nature of their employment means employees:


Whose primary duty consists of the management of the public agency in which they are employed or of a customarily recognized department or subdivision thereof; and


Who customarily and regularly direct the work of two or more other employees therein; and


Who have the authority to hire or fire other employees or whose suggestions and recommendations as to the hiring or firing and as to the advancement and promotion or any other change of status of other employees will be given particular weight; and


Who customarily and regularly exercise discretionary powers; and


Who do not devote more than 20 percent, or, in the case of an employee of a retail or service establishment, who does not devote as much as 40 percent of the employee’s hours of work in the workweek to activities which are not directly and closely related to the performance of the work described in subsections (a) through (d) of this section: Provided, that this subsection will not apply in the case of an employee who is in sole charge of an independent establishment or a physically separated branch establishment; and


Who are compensated for their services on a salary basis at a rate of not less than $155 per week, exclusive of board, lodging, or other facilities: Provided, that an employee who is compensated on a salary basis at a rate of not less than $250 per week, exclusive of board, lodging, or other facilities, and whose primary duty consists of the management of the agency in which the employee is employed or of a customarily recognized department or subdivision thereof, and includes the customary and regular direction of the work of two or more other employees therein, will be deemed to meet all the requirements of this section.


Employees exempted from overtime because of the administrative nature of their employment means employees:


Whose primary duty consists of either:


The performance of functions in the administration of a school system, or educational establishment or institution, or of a department or subdivision thereof, in work directly related to the academic instruction or training carried on therein; and


Who customarily and regularly exercise discretion and independent judgment; and


Who regularly and directly assist an employee employed in an executive or administrative capacity (as such terms are defined in this rule); or


Who perform under only general supervision work along specialized or technical lines requiring special training, experience, or knowledge; or


Who execute under only general supervision special assignments and tasks; and


Who do not devote more than 20 percent, or, in the case of an employee of a retail or service establishment who does not devote as much as 40 percent of the employee’s hours worked in the workweek to activities which are not directly and closely related to the performance of the work described in subsections (a) through (c) of this section; and


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Who are compensated for their services on a salary or fee basis at a rate of not less than $155 per week, exclusive of board, lodging, or other facilities; or


Who, in the case of academic administrative personnel, are compensated for services as required by paragraph (e)(A) of this subsection, or on a salary basis which is at least equal to the entrance salary for teachers in the school system, educational establishment, or institution by which employed: Provided, that an employee who is compensated on a salary or fee basis at a rate of not less than $250 per week, exclusive of board, lodging, or other facilities, and whose primary duty consists of the performance of work described in section (a) of this subsection, which includes work requiring the exercise of discretion and independent judgment, will be deemed to meet all the requirements of this section.


Employees exempted from overtime because of the supervisory nature of their employment means employees:


Whose primary duty consists of the management of the enterprise in which they are employed or of a customarily recognized department or subdivision thereof; and


Who customarily and regularly direct the work of two or more other employees therein; and


Who have the authority to hire or fire other employees or whose suggestions and recommendations as to the hiring or firing and as to the advancement and promotion or any other change of status of other employees will be given particular weight; and


Who customarily and regularly exercise discretionary powers; and


Who do not devote more than 20 percent, or, in the case of an employee of a retail or service establishment who does not devote as much as 40 percent of the employee’s hours of work in the workweek to activities which are not directly and closely related to the performance of the work described in sections (a) through (d) of this section: Provided, that this subsection will not apply in the case of an employee who is in sole charge of an independent establishment or a physically separated branch establishment;


Who are compensated for their services on a salary basis at a rate of not less than $155 per week, exclusive of board, lodging, or other facilities: Provided, that an employee who is compensated on a salary basis at a rate of not less than $250 per week, exclusive of board, lodging, or other facilities, and whose primary duty consists of the management of the agency in which the employee is employed or of a customarily recognized department or subdivision thereof, and includes the customary and regular direction of the work of two or more other employees therein, will be deemed to meet all the requirements of this section.


Employees exempted from overtime because of the professional nature of their employment means employees:


Whose primary duty consists of the performance of:


Work requiring knowledge of an advanced type in a field of science or learning customarily acquired by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction and study, as distinguished from a general academic education and from an apprenticeship, and from training in the performance of routine mental, manual, or physical processes; or


Work that is original and creative in character in a recognized field of artistic endeavor (as opposed to work which can be produced by a person endowed with general manual or intellectual ability and training), and the result of which depends primarily on the invention, imagination, or talent of the employee; or


Teaching, tutoring, instructing, or lecturing in the activity of imparting knowledge and who are employed and engaged in this activity as teachers in the school system or educational establishment or institution by which they are employed; or


Work that requires theoretical and practical application of highly-specialized knowledge in computer systems analysis, programming, and software engineering, and who are employed and engaged in these activities as computer systems analysts, computer programmers, software engineers, or other similarly skilled workers in the computer software field, as provided in OAR 839-020-0350 (Computer Professionals); and


Whose work requires the consistent exercise of discretion and judgment in its performance; and


Whose work is predominantly intellectual and varied in character (as opposed to routine mental, manual, mechanical, or physical work) and is of such character that the output produced or the result accomplished cannot be standardized in relation to a given period of time; and


Who do not devote more than 20 percent of their hours worked in the workweek to activities which are not an essential part of and necessarily incident to the work described in subsections (a) through (c) of this section; and


Who are compensated for services on a salary or fee basis at a rate of not less than $170 per week, exclusive of board, lodging, or other facilities: Provided, that this subsection will not apply in the case of an employee who is the holder of a valid license or certificate permitting the practice of law or medicine or any of their branches and who is actually engaged in the practice thereof, nor in the case of an employee who is the holder of the requisite academic degree for the general practice of medicine and is engaged in an internship or resident program pursuant to the practice of medicine or any of its branches, nor in the case of an employee employed and engaged as a teacher as provided in subsection (a)(C) of this section: Provided further, that an employee who is compensated on a salary or fee basis at a rate of not less than $250 per week, exclusive of board, lodging, or other facilities, and whose primary duty consists of the performance either of work described in subsection (a), (A), or (C) or (D) of this section, which includes work requiring the consistent exercise of discretion and judgment, or of work requiring invention, imagination, or talent in a recognized field of artistic endeavor, shall be deemed to meet all of the requirements of this section: Provided further, that the salary or fee requirements of this paragraph will not apply to an employee engaged in computer-related work within the scope of paragraph (a)(D) of this section and who is compensated on an hourly basis at a rate in excess of $27.63 per hour.

Source: Rule 839-020-0320 — Definitions for Exemptions Relating to Executive, Administrative, Supervisory and Professional Employees of a Public Agency, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=839-020-0320.

Notice of Proposed Rule
Definitions Generally
Employees Engaged in Administrative, Executive, Professional, or Outside Sales Work, Defining the Terms
Payment of Minimum Wages — Generally
Determination of Applicable Region and Minimum Wage Rate to be Paid for Work Performed by Employees
Wage Statements to Be Provided to Employees
Bonuses Provided to Workers in Agriculture
Fixed Minimum Hourly Wage Rates Lower than the Minimum Wage Rate
Deductions from the Minimum Wage — Generally
Deductions for Meals, Lodging, Facilities or Other Services
Deductions for Garnishment Processing Fee
Payment of Overtime Wages — Generally
Hours Worked — Generally
Waiting Time
Sleeping Time and Certain Other Activities
Preparatory and Concluding Activities
Lectures, Meetings and Training Programs
Travel Time
Adjusting Grievances, Medical Attention, Civic and Charitable Work and Suggestion Systems
Application of OAR 839-020-0040 to 839-020-0047 to Agricultural Employees
Meal and Rest Periods
Rest Periods for Expression of Milk
Leave for Domestic Workers
Weight Lifting
Other Working Conditions
Homework — Generally
General Recordkeeping Requirements
Special Recordkeeping Circumstances
Records Availability
Posting Requirements
Earned Income Tax Credit Notice to Employees
Relationship of State and Federal Law
Overtime Exemptions Pertaining to Employers Regulated Under the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act
Overtime Exemption for Public Employees
Overtime Exemption for Agricultural Employees
Exemptions from Minimum Wage and Overtime
Authority of Labor Commissioner to Define Terms Relating to Persons Employed by a Public Agency in Fire Protection and Law Enforcement Activities
Exemptions from Overtime Relating to Persons Employed by a Public Agency in Fire Protection and Law Enforcement Activities — Generally
Definitions for Regulations Pertaining to Persons Employed by a Public Agency in Fire Protection and Law Enforcement Activities
Limitation on Nonexempt Work
Public Agency Employees Engaged in Both Fire Protection and Law Enforcement Activities
Effect of Training Time
Application of ORS 653.269(3) to Ambulance and Rescue Service Employees
Other Overtime Exemptions May Apply to Public Employees Engaged in Fire Protection and Law Enforcement Activities
Authority of Labor Commissioner to Define Terms Relating to Executive, Administrative, Supervisory and Professional Employees of a Public Agency
Application of OAR 839-020-0300 to 839-020-0350
Definitions for Exemptions Relating to Executive, Administrative, Supervisory and Professional Employees of a Public Agency
Exception to Salary or Fee Basis
Computer Professionals
Definitions for Maximum Hours of Work in Canneries, Driers and Packing Plants
Determination of the Day
Failure to Establish a Workweek
Employee’s Written Consent to Work up to 60 Hours in a Workweek
Undue Hardship Notices and Employee’s Written Consent
Violations Separate and Distinct
Violations for Which a Civil Penalty May Be Assessed
Criteria for Determining a Civil Penalty
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 839-020-0320’s source at or​.us