Approval of Schools of Physical Therapy 848‑010‑0015
Examinations 848‑010‑0020
Endorsement of Out-of-State Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants 848‑010‑0022
Endorsement of Out-of-State Foreign Educated Physical Therapists 848‑010‑0026
Temporary Permits 848‑010‑0027
Temporary Permit for Military Spouse 848‑010‑0033
Renewal Of License Required 848‑010‑0035
Renewal of Lapsed Licenses 848‑010‑0044
Grounds for Refusal to License an Applicant
Approval of Schools of Physical Therapy 848‑010‑0015
Examinations 848‑010‑0020
Endorsement of Out-of-State Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants 848‑010‑0022
Endorsement of Out-of-State Foreign Educated Physical Therapists 848‑010‑0026
Temporary Permits 848‑010‑0027
Temporary Permit for Military Spouse 848‑010‑0033
Renewal Of License Required 848‑010‑0035
Renewal of Lapsed Licenses 848‑010‑0044
Grounds for Refusal to License an Applicant