OAR 851-021-0040
Standards for Approval: Organization and Administration


The parent institution must be accredited by an appropriate regional or national accrediting association or agency and meet all current standards of the accreditor.


Institutions offering registered nurse programs must be approved as a degree-granting institution of higher education in Oregon; and,


Must be accredited by a regional association or national agency recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE).


The mission, goals, and expected program outcomes must be consistent with relevant professional nursing standards and guidelines for the preparation of nursing professionals.


There must be evidence of adequate human, physical, and financial resources for the development, implementation, stability and continuation of the program, including required prerequisite and support courses if applicable.


As required for initial approval, the parent institution must show evidence of ongoing compliance with centering the administrative control of the nursing program in the nursing program administrator and providing the support and resources necessary to maintain the standards for approval as specified in subsection (5) below.


During periods when the role is temporarily unfilled, an interim nurse administrator must be designated within 15 days to maintain ongoing nursing leadership.


The interim designee shall serve in that role during the interim after approval by the Board representative as established in OAR 851-021-0025 (Reports and Approvals)(4)(f),


An appointment by exception may be requested if necessary as established in OAR 851-021-0045 (Standards for Approval: Nursing Faculty)(7).


The Nurse Administrator must have institutional authority and administrative responsibility for the program, including:


Leadership within the faculty for the development, implementation, and evaluation of the program, including curriculum and instructional delivery;


Creation and maintenance of an environment conducive to teaching and learning, including coordination and support of faculty assignments;


Liaison with executive administrators and administrative and student service units of the institution;


Participation in institutional policy and program decisions that affect teaching and learning within the nursing program;


Participation in preparation of the budget;


Administration of the budget;


Facilitation of faculty and faculty member professional development;


Participation in faculty member performance reviews and policies;


Recommendation for faculty member appointment, promotion, tenure and retention; and,


There must be a description or organizational chart available to faculty and staff that clearly illustrates communication and decision making processes within the nursing program, and accountability and communication of the nursing program to the college administrative executives.


The Nurse Administrator must have sufficient time provided for carrying out administrative responsibilities. Instructional responsibilities and responsibilities for administration of other programs must be consistent with the scope of the administrative responsibility for the nursing program.


The Nurse Administrator must provide evidence of a written plan to orient and provide mentoring for new nursing faculty, including demonstrable evidence of adjustment in workload for new faculty and mentor to allow adequate time for successful onboarding.


Faculty and students must participate in program evaluation.


Student complaints and grievances must be defined, reviewed, and processed in accordance with established policies.


The policies of the parent institution and the nursing education program must be congruent, fair and equitable, current, published and accessible to the public. The following must be accessible to all applicants and students:


Admission policies and practices;


Policy on advanced placement, articulation agreements, and transfer of credits;


The number of credits required for completion of the program;


Tuition, fees, and other program costs;


Policies and procedures for withdrawal, including refund of tuition or fees;


The grievance and complaint procedures;


Specific policies regarding client and student safety in clinical practice such as error reporting, and frequency of faculty visitation in final practicum and community health clinical experiences;


Criteria for successful progression in the program, including graduation requirements.

Source: Rule 851-021-0040 — Standards for Approval: Organization and Administration, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=851-021-0040.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 851-021-0040’s source at or​.us