OAR 858-010-0010
Education Requirements — Psychologist

To meet the education requirement of ORS 675.030 (Licensing of psychologists after examination)(1), applicants for licensure must possess a doctoral degree in psychology from an approved doctoral program in psychology, as set forth below:


A program accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) or the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) as of the date the degree was conferred; or


A program at an institution of higher learning that was accredited by a regional accrediting agency as of the date the degree was conferred, if the program submitted an application to the APA or CPA for accreditation prior to the date the degree was conferred and has been granted a site visit by the APA or CPA. The program must not have withdrawn its APA or CPA accreditation application or have been denied accreditation as of the date the licensure applicant enrolled in the program; or


Effective through July 22, 2019: A program at an institution of higher learning that was accredited by a regional accrediting agency as of the date the degree was conferred, if the applicant can verify their enrollment in the program prior to July 22, 2014; or


A foreign program that has been evaluated by a credentialing body recognized by the Board. Submission of foreign degree evaluation and cost of the foreign degree qualification determination are the responsibility of the applicant.


An applicant who possesses a degree under section (3) or (4) must show that his or her doctoral program in psychology meets all of the following requirements:


A minimum of three academic years of full-time graduate study.


A minimum of one continuous year in-residence at the institution from which the degree is granted.


One continuous year means two consecutive semesters or three consecutive quarters.


In-residence means physical presence, in person, at an educational institution or training facility in a manner that facilitates acculturation into the profession, the full participation and integration of the individual in the educational and training experience, and includes faculty and student interaction.


The doctoral program may include distance education, but a minimum of one continuous year of the program shall be in-residence. Programs that use physical presence, including face-to-face contact for durations of less than one continuous year, (e.g., multiple long weekends and/or summer intensive sessions) or that use video teleconferencing or other electronic means as a substitute for physical presence at the institution do not meet the in-residence requirement.


Effective through August 12, 2015, applicants who can verify that they enrolled in their program prior to August 12, 2011 may apply under the “old rule” definition of in-residence. Under this provision, one continuous year means a minimum of 500 hours of student-faculty contact involving face-to-face individual or group educational meetings. Such educational meetings must include both faculty-student and student-student interaction, be conducted by the psychology faculty of the institution at least 90 percent of the time, be documented by the applicant and the institution, and relate substantially to the program components specified. Items such as receptions, meals, group socials and library tours may not count towards the minimum 500 hours of educational meetings. Applicants applying under this provision shall submit full documentation that they have met this requirement, which must include a detailed description of the content of the 500 hours of educational meetings and be verified by the administration of the doctoral program.


The program, wherever it may be administratively housed, must be clearly identified and labeled as a program in psychology. Such a program must specify in pertinent institutional catalogues and brochures its intent to educate and train professional psychologists.


The psychology program must stand as a recognizable, coherent organizational entity within the institution.


There must be a clear authority and primary responsibility for the core and specialty areas, whether or not the program cuts across administrative lines.


The program must be an integrated, organized sequence of study.


There must be an identifiable psychology faculty sufficient in size and breadth to carry out its responsibilities and a psychologist responsible for the program.


The program must have an identifiable body of students who are matriculated in that program for a degree.


The program must include a coordinated, sequential and supervised practicum appropriate to the practice of psychology as described in OAR 858-010-0012 (Practicum).


The program must include a coordinated, sequential and supervised internship, field or laboratory training appropriate to the practice of psychology as described in OAR 858-010-0013 (Internship).


The curriculum of the program must:


Encompass a minimum of three academic years of full time graduate study, including a minimum of one continuous year in residence at the educational institution granting the doctoral degree;


Require an original dissertation or equivalent that was psychological in nature that meets the requirement for an approved doctoral program; and


Include at least 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours of credit in graded (not “pass-no pass”) courses.


The core program shall include a minimum of three graduate semester hours or 4.5 or more graduate quarter hours (when an academic term is other than a semester, credit hours will be evaluated on the basis of 15 hours of classroom instruction per semester hour) in each of the following substantive content areas:


Scientific and professional ethics and standards;


Research design and methodology;




Psychometric theory;


Biological bases of behavior such as physiological psychology, comparative psychology, neuropsychology, sensation and perception, physical ergonomics, or psychopharmacology;


Cognitive-affective bases of behavior such as learning, thinking, motivation, emotion, memory, cognitive information processing, or social cognition;


Social bases of behavior such as social psychology, group processes, organizational and systems theory; and


Individual differences in behavior such as personality theory, human development, personnel psychology or abnormal psychology.


All professional education programs in psychology must include course requirements in developed practice areas/specialties.


The program must demonstrate that it provides training relevant to the development of competence to practice in a diverse and multicultural society.


Demonstration of competence in clinical psychology shall be met by a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours or 27 graduate quarter hours in the following areas: personality and intellectual assessment, diagnosis, therapeutic intervention, and evaluating the efficacy of intervention.


If the program does not meet the core and/or clinical coursework requirements of (l) and (o), the applicant for licensure may remedy a deficiency of up to 6 semester hours or 9 quarter hours by completing graduate level coursework in the deficient content area(s) at a regionally accredited institution.


Provide syllabi or other documentation regarding course content upon the Board’s request.

Source: Rule 858-010-0010 — Education Requirements — Psychologist, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=858-010-0010.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 858-010-0010’s source at