OAR 858-010-0037
Supervised Work Experience — Psychologist Associate


Applicants must complete a one year full-time internship or one year of other supervised learning practicum deemed equivalent by the Board. The internship or practicum must meet the requirements of OAR 858-010-0012 (Practicum) or 858-010-0013 (Internship).


Applicants must complete three years of full-time post-masters degree supervised work experience in accordance with OAR 858-010-0036 (Post-Doctoral Supervised Work Experience), except that:


The resident shall be designated at all times by the title “psychologist associate resident”; and


A Resident Supervision Contract will be effective for a period not to exceed four years. The Board may extend the contract beyond four years.

Source: Rule 858-010-0037 — Supervised Work Experience — Psychologist Associate, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=858-010-0037.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 858-010-0037’s source at