OAR 918-008-0000
Purpose and Scope


The Department of Consumer and Business Services, Building Codes Division, adopts model building codes, standards and other publications by reference, as necessary, through administrative rule to create the state building code. When a matter is included in a specialty code or referenced publication that is in conflict with Oregon Revised Statutes or Oregon Administrative Rules, the statute or rule applies and the code or standard provision does not. All remaining parts or application of the code or standard remain in effect.


Unless required by law, matters generally not authorized for inclusion in a specialty code or referenced standard include, but are not limited to: licensing or certification requirements, or other qualifications and standards for businesses or workers; structures or equipment maintenance requirements; matters covered by federal or state law; and matters that conflict with other specialty codes or publications adopted by the department.


OAR 918-008-0000 (Purpose and Scope) to 918-008-0070 (Transition Provisions) provides the process for adopting and amending the state building code that is consistent across all program areas.


The state building code is derived from the most appropriate version of base model codes, which are updated periodically.


The Oregon specialty code amendment process begins approximately midway into a code cycle.


An appropriate advisory board approves or forwards the adoption of the Oregon specialty code and amendments to the Department for adoption.


Notwithstanding sections (3) through (6) of this rule, the division may adopt supplemental code amendments as authorized by OAR 918-008-0028 (Supplemental Code Amendments).
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 918-008-0000 — Purpose and Scope, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-008-0000’s source at