OAR 918-008-0010

The following definitions apply to OAR 918-008-0000 (Purpose and Scope) to 918-008-0070 (Transition Provisions):


“Base model code” means a published collection of standards governing a particular field of construction, which is generally accepted and used in the United States.


“Code cycle” means an approximate three-year period starting from the Oregon specialty code effective date.


”Oregon specialty code” means a base model code, together with Oregon-specific amendments, which is adopted by the State of Oregon.


“Proposed code amendment” means an application from a person to add an amendment to a proposed base model code or amend an Oregon specialty code.


“Supplemental code amendment” means a division-initiated amendment to an Oregon specialty code.

Source: Rule 918-008-0010 — Definitions, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-008-0010’s source at