OAR 918-100-0010

The following definitions are adopted:


“Accessible” means the structural, mechanical, and plumbing installations can be easily inspected because the work is in the open or because there is a designed permanent physical access such as an access panel, door, or similar entry.


“Applicant” is a person authorized to take out a master inspection permit or minor label.


“Closest Office” means:


In the case of the division, the closest office within the state from which appropriate inspectors are dispatched; or


In the case of a municipality, the closest office from which appropriate inspectors serving the facility are dispatched within the municipal boundaries. If a municipality does not have an office from which inspectors are dispatched, the “closest office” is the municipality’s executive office or the point of actual dispatch, whichever is closest.


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


A “Covered Facility” under the master permit program is one or more commercial or industrial buildings or structures under common ownership or management located within the boundaries of the same inspection jurisdiction:


Within the same complex on contiguous lots; or


Situated at different locations within the municipality and both the inspecting jurisdiction and the permittee agree to treat the buildings or structures as a “covered facility.”


A “covered facility” under the master permit program, does not include an apartment or combination of apartments having less than a total of six living units.


“Inspecting Jurisdiction” is the municipality or state serving the area with inspection services.


“Inspection Hours” means the time necessary to do the inspections under the special alternative master permit inspection program. This includes travel to and from the closest office of the inspecting jurisdiction as well as inspector documentation.


“Jurisdictional Inspector” is the inspector for an inspecting jurisdiction.


“Minor Label” is an adhesive sticker with a corresponding log sheet or corresponding online account sold by a jurisdiction or the division for use with minor installation inspection programs.


“New Construction” means:


Creation of a new building shell;


Installation of mechanical and plumbing products as part of the work described in subsection (a) of this section;


Any structural, mechanical, or plumbing work performed in connection with changing the use or occupancy classification of the building, except as permitted by OAR 918-100-0080 (Work Qualifying for the Master Permit Program); or


Any addition which increases the square footage of the building or structure.


“Occupancy Classification” means the designation of a building according to its use or the character of its occupancy into one or more of the occupancy groups as provided in the Oregon Structural Specialty Code.


“Repair and Maintenance” means restoring accessible or existing plumbing appliances, appurtenances, fixtures, wastes, vents, or distribution pipes in buildings or structures to a safe and sanitary condition.


“Replacement” means exchanging an existing structural component or mechanical or plumbing product for a similar item which:


Does not change the source or location of power;


Does not exceed the design capacity of the existing system or structure; and


Meets current accessibility and earthquake requirements.
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 918-100-0010 — Definitions, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-100-0010’s source at