OAR 918-100-0020
Scope of Minor Installation Label Programs


The statewide minor installation label program is a mandatory statewide program for which labels are sold by the division and used within any jurisdiction.


The division administers the residential, commercial, and industrial plumbing and electrical minor installation label program. Local jurisdictions are required to participate in the program by performing inspections on behalf of the division on a percentage of minor installation labels used by contractors.


Work performed under this program shall conform to the Oregon Electrical Specialty Code, the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code and the Oregon Residential Specialty Code. The scope of work allowed under this program is defined in OAR 918-309-0220 (Scope of Electrical Work Allowed with Minor Label) for electrical installations and OAR 918-780-0140 (Scope of Plumbing Work Allowed with Minor Installation Label) for plumbing installations.


Jurisdictions may file a request for delegation of optional minor installation programs. Use of a minor installation label by an appropriate person include:


Work performed under the structural commercial and industrial minor label program shall be to the Oregon Structural Specialty Code. The scope of work allowed under this program includes:


Alteration, replacement, or repair of up to 100 linear feet of nonbearing, walls and partitions that are not fire resistive and that are not part of the building shell, an exit, or an exit passageway;


Window and door replacements or relocations not part of an exit or exit passageway and fit within existing openings. Replacement windows and doors shall comply with the requirements of current state codes, including but not limited to safety glazing requirements;


Light weight interior awnings under 100 pounds total weight;


Removal and replacement of acoustical ceiling tiles in ceilings not fire-rated of less than 1,000 square feet. Replacement of supporting grid is not included; and,


Minor roofing repairs not exceeding ten percent of the roofing area.


Work performed under the mechanical minor label program shall be to the Oregon Mechanical Specialty Code and the Oregon Residential Specialty Code. The scope of work allowed under this program includes:


Moving or replacing duct work not involving fire dampers or penetrations of fire walls, fire assemblies or floors;


Moving grills in duct work; or,


Replacing existing heating, cooling and ventilation equipment; or,


Adding a central air conditioning unit to existing ductwork in one- and two-family dwellings; or,


Installing a mechanical exhaust fan for radon mitigation systems in one- and two-family dwellings.


The minor label program does not include:


New construction, except as allowed under OAR 918-309-0220 (Scope of Electrical Work Allowed with Minor Label)(3)(a) and (b) or Subsection (2)(b)(D) of this rule;


Accessibility retrofit;


Major roof repairs, constituting more than ten percent of roofing area, and reroofing;


Work on fire extinguishing or smoke evacuation systems;


Chemical or industrial liquid waste and vent piping; or


Combination waste and vent systems.


The elevator minor label program is a statewide program for which labels are sold by the division and used within any jurisdiction.


The division administers the elevator minor installation label program. The division shall perform inspections on a percentage of minor installation labels used by contractors.


Work performed under this program shall conform to the Oregon Elevator Specialty Code. The scope of work allowed under this program is defined in 918-400-0675 (Scope of Elevator Work Allowed with Minor Installation Label).


No more than one minor label for each specialty area or one elevator minor label shall be used on any single project per job site. For the purpose of this rule, a job site means work at the same address.


A minor label is only required when the work otherwise requires a permit. No new permit requirements are created.


If a jurisdiction chooses not to offer the optional minor label program, permits and individual inspections shall continue to be required in each program.
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 918-100-0020 — Scope of Minor Installation Label Programs, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=918-100-0020.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-100-0020’s source at