OAR 918-200-0027
Temporary Operation of an Amusement Ride or Device Pending Issuance of an Operating Permit


An amusement ride or device may be operated pending the issuance of an operating permit under the following conditions:


The ride operator provides, and the division has received, information about the ride or device to include its nomenclature and serial number and whether the ride or device has previously been issued an Oregon operating permit;


The ride operator provides, and the division has received, proof that the ride is insured in accordance with ORS 460.330 (Application for and issuance of permit) and OAR 918-200-0025 (Permits, Inspections and Appeals)(2);


The ride operator makes, and the division has received, payment of the operating permit fees; and


Once the ride is available for inspection, the ride is inspected and approved for operation by a ride inspector in accordance with OAR 918-200-0025 (Permits, Inspections and Appeals)(1) and a completed application for an operating permit and inspection report is transmitted to, and received by, the division.


A ride or device may be operated for a period of up to 14 days pending the issuance of an operating permit, unless the division notifies the ride operator that no operating permit will be issued based on the information provided.

Source: Rule 918-200-0027 — Temporary Operation of an Amusement Ride or Device Pending Issuance of an Operating Permit, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-200-0027’s source at