OAR 918-400-0280
Board-Created Definitions

For the purposes of OAR chapter 918, division 400, unless the context requires otherwise, the following definitions are adopted:


“Alteration” means a change of original design or operation through modernization, replacement of components or assemblies, or upgrade to existing equipment.


“ANSI” means the American National Standards Institute.


“Apprentice” means any person who is enrolled in an approved elevator apprenticeship program.


“ASME” means the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


“Board” means the Electrical and Elevator Board.


“BOLI” means the Bureau of Labor and Industries Apprenticeship and Training Division.


“Conveyance” is the industry term for elevator and includes, but is not limited to, escalator, man lift, inclined elevator, dumbwaiter, lowerator, platform hoist, material lift, moving walk, platform or wheelchair lift, and chair lift.


“Electrical equipment” means any device or group of components that is connected to a source of electrical power. Such devices include, but are not limited to, electro-mechanical switches, controllers, motors, car and hall fixtures, lighting fixtures, or any other component that has exposed electrical parts or connections either by design or when protective covers are removed.


“Elevator Lobby” means the area in front of an elevator for waiting, boarding, disembarking, loading, and unloading.


“Equipment testing” means safety tests required by the adopted safety standard and required to be performed by properly licensed elevator technicians.


“Industrial plant” means a facility engaged in a manufacturing endeavor to make a finished product using raw materials, especially on a large industrial scale wherein elevators are located and maintained by authorized plant personnel.


“Interactive testing and maintenance” means that which requires interaction with the technical components of controllers and machinery and except where allowed by law, interactive testing and maintenance checks must only be performed by licensed elevator personnel. This includes, but is not limited to, car and counterweight safety tests, pressure relief tests, buffer tests, brake tests, unintended car movement, and ascending car over speed tests.


“License” means a document that signifies competency to install, repair, alter, or maintain elevator mechanical equipment within a particular field in the elevator industry.


“Maintenance” means the renewal of operating parts, cleaning, lubricating, and adjusting existing elevator equipment to ensure proper and safe operation as required by code.


“Mitigating Circumstances” are caused by a lack of materials or labor and are beyond the reasonable control of a building owner or contractor.


“Modernization” means replacing elevator equipment with equipment that is not of the same design.


“Operational testing and maintenance” means that which requires measurement, observation, cleaning, and lubricating equipment that does not require disassembly or opening the equipment and must be permitted to be performed by authorized or licensed elevator personnel. This includes, but is not limited to, fire service tests, step/skirt index tests, cleaning and lubricating exposed surfaces, starting and stopping of equipment through normal means, smoke and heat detector tests, relamping and repairing car lighting fixtures, and monthly monitoring of hydraulic oil levels.


“Operator” means an individual employed by a general contractor, elevator contractor, or owner to operate an elevator under a construction use permit.


“Reciprocating conveyor” means:


A self contained, power driven stationary device that moves objects on a platform equipped with safety guards; or


A prepackaged, self contained unit, that moves individuals in a residence on a motorized chair, along a predetermined horizontal, inclined, or vertical path between loading and discharge points.


“Prepackaged” means a reciprocating conveyor sold as a unit that:
Requires no electrical installations as defined by ORS 479.530 (Definitions for ORS 479.510 to 479.945 and 479.995);
Requires minimal assembly; and
Is installed on a straight run stairway.


For the purposes of this section, the definition does not include vertical wheelchair lifts.


“Repair” means the restoration of an elevator to its original intended design, but not changing its operation or intended use.


“Term” means a set period for each phase of training within an approved apprenticeship program.


“Transferable experience” means experience, knowledge, and aptitude gained on equipment not governed by the Elevator Safety Law but is similar in construct and application to the types of equipment associated with the licensing requirements herein.


“Vertical Reciprocating Lift” means a power driven, isolated, self contained stationary lift that meets the requirements of the Oregon Elevator Specialty Code, Vertical Reciprocating Lift Code.


“Waiver” or “Variance” means a site-specific exception from code requirement granted under ORS 460.085 (Rules).
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 918-400-0280 — Board-Created Definitions, .

Notice of Rule Making
Attorney General Model Rules of Procedure
Appeals under ORS 460.155
Definitions, Cross Reference
Accident Reporting
Board-Created Definitions
Examination for Inspectors
Interpretation — Scope of License
Scope of Elevator Licensing
Elevator Contractor License
Limited Elevator and Reciprocating Conveyor Licenses
Elevator Apprentice License
Apprentice Scope of Work
Apprenticeship Program Requirements
Governing Codes
Code References
Adopted Oregon Elevator Specialty Code
Amendments to the Oregon Elevator Specialty Code
Elevator Maintenance Requirements
Interpretation — Accessibility
Plan Review Requirements
Installation and Alteration Permits — Interpretation
Permits for Installation or Alteration
Initial Inspections
General Policies Regarding Provisional Permits
Provisional Permits for Elevators Under Construction
Provisional Permits for New Installations
Escalator and Moving Walk Clean Down Inspections
Use of Provisional Permits Following Periodic Safety Inspections
Operating Permits
Periodic Inspections
Use of Minor Installation Labels
Scope of Elevator Work Allowed with Minor Installation Label
Minor Label Inspection Fees
Misuse of Minor Installation Labels
Alternate Approvals
Reclassification of Elevators
Taking Elevators Out of Service
Placing a Previously Disabled Elevator Back into Service
Temporarily Removing Unused Elevators from Service in an Unoccupied Building
Exceptions from Code Requirements Under ORS 460.085
Withdrawal of Exceptions
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-400-0280’s source at