OAR 918-460-0015
Amendments to the Oregon Structural Specialty Code

(1) The Oregon Structural Specialty Code is amended pursuant to OAR chapter 918, division 8. Amendments adopted during the code cycle for inclusion into the Oregon Structural Specialty Code are placed in this rule, showing the section reference, a descriptive caption, and a short description of the amendment.


Effective April 1, 2021, Chapter 1 of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code is amended according to the following:


Amend Section 101 to specify exceptions for optional local adoption regarding building permits, including for certain retaining walls, fences other than those serving as swimming pool barriers, flagpoles under 25 feet, ground mounted photovoltaic systems, fixed docks not supporting a structure, unoccupied grain elevators and silos, tsunami loads, rodent proofing, and in-ground swimming pools, to specify matters not available for local regulation under the statutory authority of the state building code, and to clarify a municipality’s ability to require application of its own ordinances.


Amend Section 102 to clarify that building officials cannot waive fire and life safety provisions that would create dangerous or unsafe conditions.


Amend Section 103 to state that it is not adopted as part of the state building code.


Amend Section 104 to clarify building official record retention requirements, that building officials cannot waive fire and life safety provisions that would create dangerous or unsafe conditions, and the scope of modifications available to a building official.


Amend Section 105 to clarify the scope of work for certain permits, the scope of municipal authority, and a building official’s flexibility to adopt local permit and inspection record policies.


Amend Section 107 to clarify construction document requirements, and the scope of municipal authority.


Amend Section 110 clarify the scope of building official inspection authority, and the scope of municipal authority.


Amend Section 111 to clarify the scope of building official revocation authority, and the scope of municipal authority.


Sections 103, 112, 115, and 116 are not adopted.
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 918-460-0015 — Amendments to the Oregon Structural Specialty Code, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-460-0015’s source at