OAR 918-480-0140
Certificates of Occupancy — Residential


Prior to occupancy of a new residential dwelling or townhouse the building official must issue a certificate of occupancy in the form and format established by the Division, unless a temporary certificate of occupancy is issued by the building official.


For purposes of this rule, the terms “residential dwelling” and “townhouse” have the same meaning as in Section R202 of the Oregon Residential Specialty Code.


Before the certificate of occupancy is issued, the general contractor or owner who was issued the structural permit for construction must provide to the building official the contact information and relevant license information for the general contractor, as well as any electrical contractor, H-VAC contractor and plumbing contractor that performed work on the residential dwelling or townhouse.


A building official may revoke a certificate of occupancy or a temporary certificate of occupancy when the residential dwelling or townhouse is in violation of applicable law that poses a threat to health and safety. The revocation must be in writing and state the basis for the revocation of the certificate of occupancy.

Source: Rule 918-480-0140 — Certificates of Occupancy — Residential, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-480-0140’s source at